Dates to Remember

Monday 19
The Life Education van (without the van due to COVID-19 unfortunately) arrives next week. A facilitator will conduct a session with your child’s class focused on the Health component of our Victorian curriculum.
Wednesday 21
2022 Prep Information Evening - 7pm
School Hall
AWESOME AUGUST IS COMING.We'll be getting active and joining forces with 2 other schools in one big, exciting new initiative.
Monday 2
NAIDOC Week celebrations (we have nominated week 4 to honour the events that took place over the school holidays)
Tuesday 24
Book Week and Book Parade
Wednesday 25
Athletics Carnival 3-6 and Kaboom Sports P-2 Carnival
Monday 30
Art Show (and possibly open classrooms, COVID pending) keep an eye out in the newsletter of how you can be involved in this event.
Monday 6 - Friday 17
P-2 Swimming (last two weeks of term, COVID pending)
Wednesday 15- Friday17
Grade 3 Camp