Principal  Message

Lockdown 6.0

This week was meant to be the State Principal Conference, but due to the residual restrictions from Lockdown 5.0, it became a much smaller online event that focused on wellbeing for our Principals. The presentation was interesting though and I wanted to share with you a couple of things that resonated with me and how we process the emotions and stresses that this pandemic is causing.  

When we have the constant disruptions to our daily lives due to Covid-19  as a collective we become very vulnerable. But while we are experiencing the same storm we weather it differently.  This is because we have different experiences, anchors and capabilities. 

The image above was used as an analogy. Some of us can weather a storm as they are robustly built and other smaller boats and vessels naturally struggle. Understanding this is important as we observe others around us and how they are coping in the current climate.

And when it comes to coping with trauma or grief, we have two options.  We can either process it or park it for later.  



But what's important here to realise is that we cannot process things when we are in the middle of it.  As the crisis is occuring we are living it, coping with it and focused on our physiological and safety needs. If this is the case, by my way of thinking, we all have parked it for now. If we are to consider our wellbeing, we must make sure our carpark doesn't get too full.

In order to take care of myself I was asked to  think about what my anchors were. What is it in my life that really supports me and keeps me from drifting away from meeting my personal and emotional needs. If you reflect too, I'm sure you will come up with the same answer I did...  my children.  If I go back to that thought I instantly feel more grounded and energised. The carpark becomes a little less full each time I take the time to pay attention to my anchors (coffee is also another anchor for me!).

Today was Principal Day in Victoria and can I say that I have felt so supported and appreciated on this day. The teachers and staff went above and beyond and even arranged for every child in the school to write me a note of appreciation. As I read through these I was very grateful to have such thoughtful and kind students.  As Principal Day was in our lockdown, the staff presented me with this jar of appreciation last night after the announcement of the lockdown.   



I was completely overwhelmed by the staff's generosity and thanked them all for making me feel so appreciated. I will share with the you the photo they gave me as I believe it symbolises all that is great about our staff. We operate in an environment where we can be ourselves, have fun but stay on the course during good and bad times. This is another anchor for me that I came to appreciate last night. Also, good was the 2 week supply of free coffees at Riverview and a week's supply of gourmet ice-cream! What more could a principal ask for in a lockdown?


Take care over the weekend and we look forward to working with our kids onsite and online next week.
