Principal's Report

Term 1

We are partway through term one already and the time has flown. Last Monday our new preps attended their first assembly. What an exciting time this is for them. They have settled into their classrooms so well and were capable and confident at the school assembly. I was so very proud of the whole school but particularly the preps.


Our special guest at the assembly was our local state member of Parliament Pauline Richards, a great supporter of the school and of government school education. Pauline presented the badges to our senior student leaders and she was so very impressed by those leaders. She was also thoroughly impressed by the whole student body.


Next week, Pauline will be making a speech in state parliament and she will be mentioning her visit to Lyndhurst Primary School. In particular, she will mention our capable, confident and articulate student leaders. She will also be talking about the importance of funding for government schools education. Great government schools give every child in Victoria a wonderful chance to suceed in life regardless of where they come from, their status in life or their family background. Great government schools like Lyndhurst bind our community, and truly reflect the value of equality of opportunity.                          

Partners in Learning Evening

I hope everyone is looking forward to our new partners in learning evenings next week. We are always exploring new ways to engage with parents. We have often said that parents are important partners in the learning process and we hope that these evenings will help you understand the important role you play. You were your child’s first teacher and the significant influence in their early development. You will continue to be a significant person in their life both as a teacher and a role model and we look forward to working closely with parents to bring you closer to the school and to the learning process.


The partners in learning evenings replace our previous get to know your meetings. Of course, parents are still encouraged to make times to meet with teachers to discuss your child. At this stage of the year, the teachers are not able to give parents a report about a child’s progress but it is a great time for parents to communicate to teachers any information that can make their schooling more effective and more enjoyable.


In the coming weeks we will be sending home a series of one page documents to assist parents in supporting the learning of their children. The first of those documents will be handed out at the learning partnership meetings. We are strongly focused on helping parents become more involved in the life of the school and in your child’s learning. A child’s attitude to learning is strongly influenced by the attitude of their parents. When you show interest, when you encourage, when you build a positive approach to learning and when you model a love for lifelong learning in your home, your children are so much more likely to achieve their best.


We understand that it can be difficult to connect with the school, especially as a working parent. I was a working parent myself and understand the frustration that can occur. However, you don’t need to be at school to show an interest in their schooling. You don’t need to be in a classroom to show an interest in learning. Your interest, your encouragement and your understanding are far more important and this can be done in the home. As the program progresses, we will be keen to gain feedback from parents about whether the program has been helpful and what else we might do to include parents in the learning process.                

Extended Beach Program

We are very excited about the upcoming extended beach program for our year five and six students. After a successful half day experience, it seems the children and the teachers are very excited about the opportunity to extend this vital program. Skills that the children learn on this program will not only help them gain confidence in the water but may one day save their lives. I hope that parents have taken the opportunity to send children along to this program. We are grateful for state government funding that allows us to keep this program so cost-effective.


Next Thursday evening our parents and friends association will run the annual general meeting. The PFA is a vital connection with our community and a great supporter of the school through both their fundraising and their support for school events. It is also a wonderful opportunity for parents to make connections and to build friendships. If you’re interested in joining the PFA please come along next Thursday evening at 7 pm for the AGM.