Senior School  

Term 2 in Senior School 

Welcome back from the holidays which I hope were restful!  Term 2 is often a very busy term for our Senior School students with exams coming for the year 10 and Year 11 students, SACs to complete for both Year 11 and Year 12, VCAL projects ramping up, and Year 10 work experience.  It is important for parents and guardians to monitor the stress levels of their child and should they have any concerns, please contact the relevant Year Level Coordinator:

Year 10 – Mr Santos

Year 11 – Mrs Wood

Year 12 – Ms Manioudakis


Please understand that stress is a normal part of life and helps to develop resilience and the ability to deal with challenges.  However, stress should not be paralysing and inhibit work.  Talking with your child about their day or about what they did and enjoyed, as well as any challenges, helps to develop a sense of understanding about their school life, as well as any support you may be able to offer.  Students should be keeping a balance in their life of school activities and social activities, including family engagements, exercise and other social events.  Good eating habits are also crucial for stress management, which includes drinking enough water and avoiding high caffeine drinks.


Work Experience

Work experience is compulsory for all Year 10 students to participate in.  This is often the first time that our Year 10 students are experiencing the ‘world of work’ and therefore necessary for them to choose a work place carefully.  Students should be thinking about the work area that they would like to go into after school and try to find work experience placement in this field or area.  Assistance in finding work experience placements can be obtained through Mrs Haines in the Careers office.


Open Day/Night

It was lovely to see so many students, and especially our Senior School students, involved in Open Night – they were all so full of smiles and positive about Scoresby Secondary College, as well as what they can achieve.  A huge thank you to all students who gave up their time to assist in promoting the College; it was very much appreciated by staff and the visiting parents. 


We wish all Senior School students well for Term 2!


Ellen Sawyer

Head of Senior School