Grade 1
The past two weeks students have been learning about the sounds that ‘ai’ and ‘oa’ make. Students have been learning to identify words that have these sounds in them and have been learning how to match pictures to the words. All of the students have enjoyed working with their reading groups in different rotations working on the sounds ‘ai’ and ‘oa’, Oxford Word games, reading books on Wushka then retelling the story and working with the teacher.
The past two weeks in writing the Year 1 students have been developing their sentence structure using Rainbow Silly Sentences. They have all used their silly sentences to ensure they are using a capital letter at the beginning of their sentence and a full stop at the end. This week we have introduced the punctuation mark, question mark and what words begin a sentence in a question.
During Weeks 7 and 8, Grade 1’s have continued to build their confidence using numbers. We have specifically focussed on skip counting and place value; looking at tens and ones. The students have thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on activities and games using a variety of manipulatives such as icy pole sticks and unifix blocks to help with their understanding of this topic.
During this lesson, students enjoyed using unifix cubes to represent tens and ones when creating their own objects. Some students created houses, animals and people. Students had to count how many unifix blocks they used in their creations and identify the tens and ones digits on a mini whiteboard.
At the beginning of our Maths sessions we have integrated a warm up to focus on the formation of our numbers as well as counting forwards and backwards from any number from 0-100.
During this session, students were able to create their own ice cream cones by skip counting by tens from 0 all the way up to 100! The students enjoyed decorating their ice cream scoops with their favourite flavours and were able to work together to order their ice creams.
In Wellbeing, students have been further exploring emotions in order to recognise how another person is feeling. Students had an opportunity to role play a scenario and demonstrate different acts of kindness.
We have been busy in the lead up to Harmony Day by creating a Year 1 display in our learning community. We’re excited to share the completed display in an upcoming newsletter. Students have been looking at why the event is held and its importance.
In Integrated, students have continued looking at built, constructed and managed features of places and why different activities are located where they are. Students had lots of fun giving their partner different directions to move around the playground.