Choir News

We have been invited to sing at the opening ceremony of the annual Lions District Convention which is to be held on Saturday 21st October in Glen Innes. Over 200 people are expected to attend, from all around Australia and beyond. We will be combining with students from all the schools in the local area for this great event. 


The students will be performing both the Australian and American National Anthems.

This is a special opportunity for our students to participate and be part of this great event. I will be rehearsing with students starting early next term. This will also include a rehearsal with the combined schools of Glen Innes.


If your child is interested in taking part and you will also be available to take them on that day, please indicate below and return this note to school, or let me know through the school office.


Kind regards, 

Shanny Core



Singing at the Lions District Convention 

Saturday 21st October, 2023


My child/children ____________________________________________ is/are interested in singing at the Lions Club Convention on Saturday 22nd October. 


Signed ________________________________________________________