MaST Project

3D Objects - Kinder

Tips for parents:

Helping your child learn about three-dimensional objects:

*Look for objects inside or outside the house that are three-dimensional and describe them. Look for different sized objects in different positions.

*Play ‘I spy' games and describe things by size and shape, eg "I spy with my little eye something that is big and shaped like a square".

*Use boxes and containers of different sizes to play ‘stacking' games.

*Ask your child to help you put away the groceries and talk about which things will stack easily.

*Make biscuits using cookie cutters or make pretend biscuits from modelling dough. Talk about the shape of each biscuit.

*Make sand models from wet sand using cups, buckets or jelly moulds. Talk about sizes and shapes and try to stack some objects.

*Blow bubbles using wire loops or straws and a detergent solution. Talk about the shape and size of the bubbles and the effects when the wire shape is changed.

*Collect wood off-cuts and let your child glue the pieces to make a model.

*Collect shells at the beach and ask your child to sort them and tell you how he or she grouped them.

*Build a ‘house' from playing cards or dominoes.

*Talk about the shapes made when you cut straight through vegetables or fruit.