Class Updates and Reminders
Messages from our Learning Levels...
Class Updates and Reminders
Messages from our Learning Levels...
Dates to Remember:
Morning Routine and Expectations
This is a friendly reminder of the importance of being on time in the morning. Please ensure your child arrives no later than 8:55am at the Ferrars Street door. This ensures we can begin classroom learning at 9:00am on Level 5. For any arrivals after 8:55am please report to the office via the main entrance. The side door will shut at 8:55am sharp.
Please ensure you are sending your child to school each day with 100% battery. We use our iPads everyday in Prep for learning and uncharged iPads have a significant impact on the students' learning. We are very proud of our younger students for doing their best to remember this nightly, but if you could please support your child to get into the routine that would be greatly appreciated.
Dates to Remember:
Our students look exceptionally sharp in their school uniform! It's a delight to see them representing our school with such pride. Wearing the appropriate school uniform fosters a sense of connection and community. Please ensure that your child comes to school in the correct uniform. Now that we are in Term 4 the weather is suitable for the summer uniform if your child would like to wear it.
Our Year 1 students demonstrated a strong homework routine in Term 3, completing their 1 lesson of Mathseeds and 4 nights of reading each week. We are hoping they can continue this into Term 4 with your ongoing support.
Please note that Sunday is the start of a new week when completing Mathseeds.
We encourage our students to bring their diary in daily. Books that are borrowed from the classroom library can stay at home until the following Monday, when students can borrow new books.
We want to remind everyone of our school's policy regarding bringing toys to school. Toys can be distracting and disrupt our learning environment. To ensure that all students can focus on their learning we kindly ask that you please refrain from allowing your children to bring toys to school.
Dates to Remember:
Thank you for supporting your child to complete their Mathseeds over the holidays. This resulted in a very strong first week back with 85% of the cohort completing their Mathseeds. We hope this trend will continue and improve with 1 lesson of Mathseeds being completed each week. Please note that Sunday is the start of a new week.
Please continue to support your child to read 4 nights a week for 15 minutes. This is to be written in your child's diary and signed. Diaries are to come to school every day. Thank you for your ongoing support of your child's homework routine.
Library Bags:
The cohort have their library day on a Monday. To be able to borrow books, your child needs to bring their library bag to school. If your child has misplaced their school library bag, they are able to bring a labelled bag from home to transport their library books to and from school or you can purchase a new library bag from Bob Stewart. We love seeing the cohort engaging with books in the library each week and we would love them to share these with you as well.
Dates to Remember:
Week 3 - Important Dates
Camp Items - Still to Collect
Any remaining medication from Years 3 and 4 Camp can be picked up at the office. Any remaining lost property is in front of the library.
In-visit Parent Volunteers Required
We have an in-visit from Craft Power in a few weeks to connect with our upcoming English and Humanities studies on Viking history and folklore. This in-visit will be in the art room and involves some hammering and pyrography. We will require two parent helpers for each class. If you are available on Wednesday 1 November, please email your child's teacher.
Dates to Remember:
Melbourne River Cruise Excursion
The students are very excited about our Melbourne River Cruise this Thursday as part of our Humanities unit on rivers. Please ensure your child brings their recess in a disposable bag or container to be taken on the excursion. If your child may suffer from motion sicknes while on the cruise, please respond to Miss Delani's email that was sent to all parents and provide medication to your child's teacher with written instructions.
SEA Parent Information Night
This term, students will be participating in three sessions run by Sex Education Australia. Parents will be required to give consent on Compass for students to participate. SEA will run an information night for parents about the content covered in these sessions on Webex at 5pm on Monday 23rd October. Details will be emailed to parents.
Camp Items - Still to Collect
Any remaining medication from Years 3 and 4 Camp can be picked up at the office. Any remaining lost property is in front of the library.
Dates to Remember:
Important - Final Camp Reminders
Dates to Remember:
Important - Final Camp Reminders