3/4 B

Week 7 Term 1


Over the past two weeks we have been looking at different strategies we can use when adding and subtracting. It was great to see the students share so many effective ways that we can add and subtract. Not one strategy fits all, so we build up the student's capacity to use strategies that they feel confident with, while also exposing them to new strategies that they may wish to use in the future. The emphasis being, that any strategy used, should be efficient. i.e. How can I get the correct answer and how quickly can I get it!? Is it doing a vertical algorithm? Split strategy? Jump strategy? Compensation? 

In the next two weeks we will move our focus to shape. 

Ed in Faith

This week Miss Marion came into both Year 3/4 classes and ran a session on Baptism. The candidates for Reconciliation and Eucharist were required to find out some information about their Baptisms in the lead up to them celebrating both Sacraments. There was plenty of great discussion about Baptism and its importance in our Catholic Identity. Over the next two Friday’s Fr Chinua is also going to come and visit both 3/4 classes to further talk about Baptism and the upcoming Sacraments. On Friday 24th March those students celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation will participate in a special workshop morning led by Miss Marion, Miss Vanessa and Mr Brendan. We’re certainly looking forward to this most exciting time in their spiritual journeys.



The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Tuesday 28th March @ 6:00 pm


Year 3/4 Level Mass: Thursday 30th March @ 9:15am in St Francis Xavier Church. All are welcome!


This week the Year 3s will participate in three NAPLAN assessments: Reading, Writing and Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation). Next week they will complete their Numeracy assessment. These assessments can’t be practiced, our emphasis will be on all students doing the best they can in the time allowed and demonstrating what they do know, as opposed to what they don’t know. We’re confident that all students will do the very best that they can. 

District Athletics

Our Year 4 students will get the opportunity on March 31st to participate in their first District Athletics event at Ballam Park. The year 5 and 6 students will also be in attendance. On the day, the students will get the opportunity to participate in a variety of events including: hurdles, 800m, 200m, 4 x 100 relays, 70m and 100m sprints. Ms Emma has been working hard to prepare the students in her PE lessons and today we held some trials to see who would best fit certain events. Keep an eye out for the permission note in your Operoo account. The Year 3 students will stay at school on this day. They will get their opportunity to participate next year!


Walk for Epilepsy

On the 24th March at 11:45am we will be heading over to the park to walk a lap for Epilepsy.  The initiative is to raise awareness in our community. Staff and Students are encouraged to wear purple on the day. Students can either dress in purple clothing or wear their uniform with a purple item. Please make it clear to your child that it is not a 'free dress' day.  For more information:



Have a great weekend!


Mr Brendan