Principal's Report

Term 1
School Council
As previously mentioned, our long-serving School Council President, Mark Lancaster, resigned from his role when his son Travis completed his schooling last year. On Monday evening the School Council elected the new Office Bearers and I am delighted to announce John Qiu as the new School Council President. John is the father of Callum who is in year 9. John will be supported by Alex Devine in her role as School Council Vice-President. Alex’s son Oliver is in year 9. Thank you to Peter Joint who remains in the role of Treasurer.
The Concord School Council still requires members in the Community category. Members in this category may be parents and carers. As Community members are invited onto School Council, you will not have to participate in an election. If you value what Concord School has done for your child and would like to contribute to the school, please consider joining our School Council. There are eight meetings in the year held on a Monday evening from 7-9pm. Please contact me if you would be interested in joining at or phone 94673972.
Wearing of School Uniform
This is a reminder that it is compulsory for all students to wear the full school uniform each day and that the school uniform policy is strictly enforced. As the weather is becoming cooler, please check to ensure that you have the correct uniform to keep your child warm.
Please contact Melanie Jackson in the office at the Bundoora Campus regarding purchases of uniform. Further information, including policies and price lists, can be found through the school website at School Uniform - Concord School
Concord School – Inclusion Statement & Commitment
Concord School is committed to cultivating a safe and inclusive environment for its students, staff and wider community including those who identify as LGBTIQA+.
As a school community we aim to provide our students a safe space to connect and access resources at Pride Group. Concord School is prepared to make the necessary adjustments for gender diverse students to comfortably access their school environment.
Concord School supports all members of the community for who they are and however they identify and works to promote an environment free from discrimination through our policies and positive, inclusive school culture.
We are proud of our diverse community and have zero tolerance for any form of discrimination, including on the basis of sexuality and gender diversity. Concord School understands that the benefits of visible LGBTIQA+ inclusion extends beyond our students and staff. A school that celebrates diversity benefits everyone.
Principal Award - Materoa Wickliffe Jeffrey
Mj is always a hard worker and accepts challenges with a smile on his face. He is also a supportive friend, helps other students make good decisions and encourages his friends to be the best they can be. Always willing to help others without being asked, he creates a positive and comforting classroom for his peers and is always thinking of ways to make people laugh and smile. He is a wonderful addition to our classroom and community, and we are so proud of him for winning the Principal's Award this term.
Jason Coningsby