Grade 2 Students 

Celebrating our terrific Twos!


In Grade 2 we completed our second Big Write -  a descriptive writing piece about our bedrooms. We love completing our Big Writes in the calm classroom environment with soft music, lights off and candles. After completing our class Mr Men/Little Miss stories, we are ready to start our own! We will be working through the 5 Stages of Writing (planning, drafting, revising, editing and publishing) and have started by creating our own characters. 

Lewis C
Lewis C
Matilda J
Matilda J


We have enjoyed using concrete materials to demonstrate our understanding of two and three-digit numbers by representing numbers using counters, unifix cubes, icy pole sticks, MAB etc. We have played many games in Maths to consolidate our understanding. Our favourites include Maths Mastermind, Place Value Bingo, Guess My Number and many more!

Tillie P and Michaela S
Tillie P and Michaela S
Mingcheng Y and Archie E
Mingcheng Y and Archie E


Respectful Relationships

In our Respectful Relationships and Wellbeing lessons, we have delved deeper into emotional triggers and strategies that we can use to help us ‘bounce back’ into the Green Zone. This is where we are in control, calm and ready to learn.  We have also had great discussions about our personal strengths and learned about how these strengths can contribute to our family and school life. We identified ways to care for others, including ways of making and keeping friends.

Eva L
Eva L