
This week in P.E.

First of all, Mrs Costa wants to congratulate our Division swim team who competed against 27 other schools on Wednesday the 1st of March. Proud is an understatement! It was so incredible to watch you all swim against so many other competitors and do it with such strong determination. You represented yourself and our school in such a mature and driven manner. An extra big congratulations to Gus, Tess, April, Scarlett, Jemima and Vianne who advanced through to the Regional Championships on March the 30th. What an incredible achievement! I am just so proud of you! GO MONTY! 


Have you ever wondered how we participate in P.E class on a wet, drizzly day? Last week the unpredictable Melbourne weather allowed us to have a Yoga session in the classroom. We began with a sportsmanship storybook, warmed up our bodies with some Just Dance routines and then stretched our bodies out with a Yoga session. Yoga has many health benefits including increasing our muscle strength and tone, maintaining balance and flexibility, expanding cardio and circulatory health, it improves mental health and helps to focus your body’s ability to be present and in the moment. We particularly love the Cosmic Kids Yoga lessons because it follows a story adventure throughout, perfect for school aged students. If you are interested at home here is the link for the minion lesson we completed in class: 



Cosmic Kids Yoga is a fantastic way to get children to participate in a fun and educational way. There are many different scenes and stories to choose from if you wish to try some out at home! 

Well done to the year 3/4s and 5/6s who completed the Beep Test Assessment last week. There were lots of you who showed great willpower and determination in a challenging cardio endurance task. You should be really proud that you gave it a go and did your best. I wonder how many of you will beat your score at the end of the year? Well done everyone. Mrs Costa is so proud of you all.