Learning Community 2

Well that's a wrap on Term 1!


In Reading we have been working to identify the Author's Purpose of a text, whether it is to persuade, explain or inform. We also looked at using our prior experiences alongside text clues in order to infer meaning or 'read between the lines'. We did this with a range of media including a short clip, pictures and text. In Writing we worked on developing our descriptive language. This included working on 'sizzling starts' and using our senses to help describe the setting to the reader. 


In Maths, we finished up our unit on Time. Student's worked really hard in this unit of work and we are very happy with their progress shown reading time. This past week we started to explore Chance by playing games and doing hands on activities to work out the chance of an event occurring using language such as likely, unlikely, certainly or impossible. 


Also this week we were able to finish off the term with some fun Easter activities with the Easter Bunny visiting the classroom on Wednesday night. On Wednesday we had a great time at Athletics Day! 


We hope that all our students and families have a wonderful Easter and enjoy a restful and safe holiday break! 


3/4M: Khye R - For always being a kind and helpful friend and classmate. Khye consistently demonstrates our school values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. Ms Munday is proud to be my teacher!


3/4M: Zeke - For trying really hard to improve his reading. Zeke has been working super hard to kick his reading goals. Zeke - you're an absolute star!


3/4X: Kaelyn - For being kind and respectful of all people at all times. You're a star, Kaelyn!


3/4X: Ava M - For always being kind and including everyone. Keep being you, Ava!


3/4X: Rydah - For working well on his work. Keep it up, Rydah!