Learning Community 1

Prep Guy

Well, we have made it to the end of Term 1! What a busy, fun filled term we have had together. We have learnt all about the letters of the alphabet and the most common sounds they make. We have put these letters together to make words and have begun reading and writing sentences. We have also worked on reading and spelling the most common words students come across when reading and writing. In Numeracy we have learnt all about the numbers to 10, writing these numbers correctly, counting groups of items to 10 correctly and showing these numbers in many different ways, including ten frames, tally marks, words and fingers just to name a few. We were even surprised with a visit from Easter bunny. Students loved finding the eggs hidden by our bunny! You will find a literacy and maths game to play with your children over the Easter break and extra readers to enjoy too. Thank you to the amazing parents who have come in every morning to assist with learning; your help is really appreciated. Have a very restful time with your beautiful families and Happy Easter.


Student Of The Week

This week Hayley was chosen as our Student Of The Week. Hayley is a wonderful role model to all students in Prep Guy. She is always displaying responsible choices, respectful ways and resilience when challenged with extension tasks. We are very proud of Hayley.

Mrs Jane Guy


We wish Mr Webber a smooth transition to his new school and welcome Mr Smit.

Easter Fun! 

Athletic's Day

Easter Egg Hunt!

1/2 Smith and 1/2 Stoll

Hello families,

What an incredible first term we’ve had across our classrooms. The growth we have seen across the last 10 weeks has been inspiring and we are looking forward to all of the learning, fun and growth to be had in Term 2 and beyond.


The last two weeks has seen us continuing to explore shape in our Maths lessons, with our focus being on 3D shapes and their attributes. We have continued to explore counting, skip counting, number lines and ordering numbers alongside this. During reading, we ended our comprehension exploration with summarizing and engaged in some revision activities of all of the comprehension strategies we have explored for fiction texts this term. In writing, we have continued to develop the length of our writing through strengthening our knowledge and use of adjectives and similes whilst also exploring narrative concepts, such as characters, settings, problems and solutions.


We engaged in another football incursion, which saw our grades play games that involved ball skills, particularly throwing, catching and hand balling, and prosocial skills, such as collaboration and cooperation. Yesterday we had our annual athletics day. We had a great day and would like to thank all students for their amazing efforts our family helpers, we greatly appreciate your support.


We hope you all have a safe and happy holiday.

Kelly and Kate