Principal and Assistant Principal's Page

Principal's Report
This is the last newsletter for the term! What a busy term it has been- our new foundation students starting their school journey, ‘Smile Squad’ here at the school, Our House Spirit leadership program for Year 6 Captains, district swimming, Foundation and Year 1 literacy assessments, interschool sport, Parents as Partners, Year 5/6 Gala Day, new Student Leadership Council formed, Tokyo Nakamura Gakuen University Visit, tennis clinics, 3-6 Waratah Bay Camp, Undokai Sports, Cultural Diversity Week and NAPLAN! Phew!
Reminder: Curriculum Days
On Monday 24th April it is Curriculum Day. Teachers will be working with Dr Ryan Dunn from Melbourne University on Numeracy teaching and learning. Team Kids will be open for all day care for families that need it. The following day 25th April it is the ANZAC Day public holiday. We will welcome back students on Wednesday 26th April for the start of Term 2.
Our other curriculum days are Friday 9 June (staff professional practice day) and Wednesday 21 June for parent teacher interviews. Team Kids will be open for all day care.
Respect for School Staff
At Huntingdale we pride ourselves in working together in educating your child. I understand that current times are tough, and that people face many pressures. However, I expect our staff and parents to treat each other with respect and kindness. Recently we have had a few incidences of parents speaking rudely to our staff. Please ensure that you approach staff in a calm manner and if you need further assistance come and see me at the office. The Department of Education has a statewide ‘Respect for School Staff’ Policy, which can be found on our website:
Car Park Safety
We are very fortunate to have a car park for parents to access, not all schools have this. Our car park does get very busy before and after school and you need to be patient and follow the road laws, which also apply in the car park.
We are asking every parent's cooperation in making pick up and drop off for students as safe and organised as possible in the car park. Please follow these rules:
- You must stay in a line of cars to the left in the pick-up and drop off zone. This leaves enough space for cars to go past and leave the car park. DO NOT get out of your car. The teacher will escort your child to your car. We ask that students enter your car on the left-hand side and take their school bag in the car with them.
- You must follow the directions and enter from the ‘Entrance Only’ and exit from the ‘Exit Only’.
- You cannot park in the car park and get out of your car.
- We have a few families that need to access the disability car parks, so please do not block these car parks so they can be accessed.
We ask that you remind your child each day that they are to be picked up from the car park, so that they know.
We have two staff members in the car park each day to help students to the car and monitor the flow of pedestrians and cars.
Reminder- Mobile Devices Policy
I am aware of a smart watch that students are wearing to school that has the capability to receive calls even when placed in ‘school mode. This type of watch must be brought to the office to be stored each day as it is classified as a mobile device.
I remind families about the state-wide mobile devices policy. This policy can be found on our website at:
All students must bring their mobile phone, tablet or smart watch to the office to be stored in a locked filing cabinet.
Cultural Diversity Week
It was a wonderful celebration of Cultural Diversity Week at our assembly on 20th March. Please find attached four pages of photos of the day. It was lovely to see so many of our families participate in the day. Please read our Year 6 students report later in the newsletter.
Waratah Bay Camp
The Grade 3-6’s enjoyed a fabulous week at camp. The 5/6’s attended camp from 27th- 29th March, with the 3/4's following on 29-31 March. I visited camp on Wednesday and saw both groups on this day. The Year 3-4 students had settled in well. There was a bit or rain about, but it was clear enough to continue with the planned activities. They did two rotations, then settled into their bunkrooms to get ready for a roast dinner.
Earlier in the day, I had the pleasure of spending the final hours of camp with the 5-6's. They had a splendid time at camp! They listened, were well behaved, and worked together seamlessly. The camp was most impressed with how neat our students (particularly the girls) were. I think they had some sleep.....but they all look tired in the end. I waved them goodbye and I’m sure there would have been some sleeping in the bus!
The camp experience is one we enjoy giving our students. Students gain so many skills such as independence, resilience, working in team, making new friends, self-regulation, being brave and trying something new and most of all having fun! It is a huge undertaking for students, parents, and teachers. There is a lot of organisation involved and I want to sincerely thank teachers Hisae Hatigan and Nick Tolliday for organising camp and they were ably assisted by Office Manager Gill Penfold. I want to thank the parents who attended camp- Bec Kimura, David Atkinson, Alison Cummins, Nick Kolliner, Dennis Moschioyiannis and Hiro Yokoo. Thank you also to our staff that attended- Linda Ooi-Chan, Peter Magart, Yukiko Shoya, Eiji Nishikubo, Ryoki Fukaya, Nick Tolliday, Keiko Harada, Honami Ando, Chris Everett, Hisae Hatigan, Jo Ewart, Ari Gorney, Kumiko Nagata, Dan Thomas, Kaoru Sato, Junko Nakazawa and Naomi Mori-Hanazono.
We let children take cameras to camp to take photos of their experiences as mementos. Some group photos may have been taken of students. We ask that families don’t share the photos of other children without consent of their families, including WhatsApp chats and social media.
Please read the camp report from the 5/6 students on the following pages in the newsletter.
Annual Implementation Plan
The Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) is a document which outlines the one-year goals and strategies of the school. It is created using the goals in the 4 Year Strategic Plan.
This fortnight I will summarise Key Improvement Strategy #2- to build teacher capacity to teach STEM. In 2023 STEM will be taught as a specialist subject in Years 3-5. We will build teacher capacity in teaching STEM using a co-teaching model in Years F-2, focusing on the design thinking process. We will provide professional learning in STEM for all teachers.
Key Improvement Strategy #3 is to enhance student opportunities through the involvement with key stakeholder partners. In 2023 we will implement STEM learning opportunities as part of the Oakleigh Education Plan (OEP). We will implement STEM engagement opportunities for students. Some of these include our school-based extension program, the John Monash Science School (Little Mathematicians, Little Scientist and Robo Gals for Year 5’s) and before and after school programs (examples include DigiMaker, Fizz Kids).
Medical Plans and Update contact details
At school we often need to contact parents for a variety of reasons. Over the break many families’ telephone numbers, home address and email addresses have changed. If you do change telephone numbers, email, and/or home address or there is an update on personal/medical/family situation, it is most important that you contact Gill in the school office to let us know so we can update the school records and update this on Operoo. An early reminder that we must have your correct email address as school reports will be emailed this year to parents. We thank you for your cooperation with this.
Assemblies Term 2
Our assemblies for Term 2 are:
1 May 2.45pm
22 May for Education Week 2.45pm
5 June- 2.45pm
23 June- 1.55pm
I hope everyone has a restful holiday break with their families. Just a reminder that Team Kids will be running their holiday program here at Huntingdale. You can register your child at their website.
Ruth Biddle