Optus Digitial Thumbprint

VCE-VM & VPC Incursion

On Monday 20th March, Vocational Major and VPC students at our college participated in Wellbeing incursions, which focused on digital technologies and how they impact on our daily lives and some of the positive and negative images of these technologies. 


During the Optus Digital Thumbprint, Dom Phelan informed students of the challenges and opportunities when engaging with social media and how to navigate the online space in a safe and respectful manner. The facilitated workshop covered five key topics; cyber security, digital identity cyberbullying and Respectful Relationships Online, Digital Discernment and Digital Balance. Students were proactive participants who enthusiastically asked many important questions around e-safety, and the workshop generated many thought-provoking questions for our students.

Dom Phelan - The Optus Digital Thumbprint Facilitator
Dom Phelan - The Optus Digital Thumbprint Facilitator


Each VM and VPC student then moved on to a Digital Wellbeing workshop held by Tiffany and Georgia who are part of our Wellbeing staff at the college. In this workshop students learnt about practical strategies around digital wellbeing and engaged with practical hands-on activities to generate conversation about how students can manage their time and wellbeing when engaging with their digital devices.

Jake Tsigros, James Gicevski & Ethem Arifoski 11VM
Jaslyn Nguyen, Sharni Williams, Chloe Stevala & Georgia Tziros
Jake Tsigros, James Gicevski & Ethem Arifoski 11VM
Jaslyn Nguyen, Sharni Williams, Chloe Stevala & Georgia Tziros


On behalf of the VM and VPC students, we would like to thank all the facilitators for delivering such engaging and worthwhile workshops - the advice and strategies given were invaluable! Additionally, we extend our thanks to the supervising staff on the day, who ensured the wellbeing program ran smoothly.


Ms Neri and Ms Rehak

VM & VPC Learning Area Leaders