Break Schedule

Starting Tuesday 14th March, we are implementing a year level schedule for the Library at recess and lunch breaks.  


This will allow all year levels to access the space in a more efficient and structured way for borrowing and activities.  


There will be opportunities for a Library pass, if you are a Library monitor and help in the space for example.






Year 7 & 8s


Lego Club

Year 7 & 8s

Year 9 & 10s

Year 11 & 12s


All ages participating in trivia.

Write a Book in a Day Incursion

Books available in the library to read
Books available in the library to read

On Friday 3rd of March, we had 24 students from Years 7-9 participate in a Write-a-Book-in a-Day Incursion. Write-a-Book-in-a-Day is a fun and creative team writing activity that involves collaborative team effort where students plan, write and illustrate a book in one day.

Lennox G Max S, Owen G, Hunter M, Albie W, Hugh C and Josiah B.
Hugh C.
Bodhi C.
Lennox G Max S, Owen G, Hunter M, Albie W, Hugh C and Josiah B.
Hugh C.
Bodhi C.

Students were split into groups of 5 and 6, given a unique set of parameters and a space for their group to work for the day.  Our teams all hit the ground running at 8:50am and by 2:55pm, we had 4 written and illustrated books produced.  They should all be very proud of themselves as they worked hard, organised themselves, listened to each other's ideas and really worked well as a team. 


The parameters each were given to include in their story were:

  • 2 main human characters
  • 1 non human character
  • Needs to be set in Australia
  • Travel included
  • 5 random words: School, friend, beach, fresh & tiptoe


The books are all in the Library for everyone to enjoy and below are the links to each story:


Missing Molly

Lost book in a day

Something's Not Right

The Prototype