Some exciting events are coming up for the College to round off Term 1. We look forward to hearing about all the adventures and excitement from the Year 7 Roses Gap Camp in the next edition of our newsletter, but by all accounts, students and teachers have reported that this experience has been extremely positive.
Open Night
On Monday, March 20th we will showcase the great learning and program opportunities that we offer at our annual Open Evening event. The College will be open from 6pm-8pm, with information sessions running in Wurdi Baierr Stadium at 6pm and 6:45pm.
Our learning programs and facilities are a great sense of pride for all College. We are excited to share this with the wider community.
Whilst on this evening we will invite many prospective families along, we also encourage our current families to attend should they wish to hear more about our philosophies and programs.
Visitors will engage with interactive displays, with both guided and self-guided tours on offer.
Athletics Day
Our annual Athletics Carnival is fast approaching. It is always a great time for students to get active and engage in some healthy house based competition.
Students will have the opportunity to connect with their peers, get dressed-up and participate in fun activities that build morale and a sense of belonging to the wider school community.
This is a whole school event on Friday 24th of March, and attendance is expected.
Year 7 Cyber Safety Parent Information Session
There will be a Cyber Safety Parent Information Night that is run by Leading Senior Constable Cathryn Hastie on Wednesday the 15th March from 6pm to 7pm. It is recommended that young people do not accompany you, rather they can reflect on the student version presentation Ms. Hastie presented to them last week. We look forward to seeing you at this eye-opening presentation.
Student Voice, Agency and Leadership
Young people who find their own voice in supportive school environments are more likely to develop a confident voice, a capacity to act in the world, and a willingness to lead others. By empowering students we enhance student engagement and enrich their participation in the classroom, school and community (Amplify, DET).
At Surf Coast Secondary College we empower our students by offering numerous opportunities to demonstrate voice, agency and leadership. This is evident in our classrooms, and through more formal opportunities such as the Student Representative Council (SRC). The SRC meets each fortnight to work on school improvement initiatives that are identified through consultation with the student leaders and wider student body.
Student leaders within the SRC are currently working with the College leadership team to generate solutions to issues such as; Managing and maintaining a litter free yard, ensuring that the toilets are utilised in a respectful way and ensuring that students are informed about processes such as wellbeing self-referral.
In addition to the SRC, Surf Coast includes student voice in all major decision making frameworks. This is enabled through structures and processes such as:
- Year level student ‘Culture Committees’
These committees consult on matters relating specifically to the cohort such as year level events, curriculum and learning programs
- Student forums held each semester
These forums are run by the Learning Community Leaders and utilise a student focus group (at each year level) to seek feedback on student perception of teacher practice and wider school processes
- Student to Teacher feedback surveys
Each semester all students are asked to complete a formal survey about classroom practice. This data is de-identified and shared back to teachers. Teachers set improvement goals based on this data and use this feedback for improvement.
These surveys will occur in week 9 and 10 this term.
- Student representation at College Council
Two of our College Captains attend each College Council meeting to both feedback any discussion items from the student body, but also to engage with and contribute to any major decision making. This means that student voice is present in all of our policies and procedures.
Most importantly, all students are encouraged to practice everyday leadership which looks like be respectful and engaged learners and citizens, caring about our environment and helping others.
International Women's Day
On Wednesday our College Captains attended an International Women's Day breakfast at the Shire. This breakfast was the official launch of the International Women’s Day mural by First Nations artist and proud Wadawurrung woman, Jenna Oldaker.
Jenna's mural was unveiled at Wurdi Baierr Stadium in Torquay. Tamsyn, Peri and Mila said that they were truly inspired by not only Jenna, but the other speakers and guests at the event who shared their impressive stories and achievements.
Hope you have a safe and relaxed long weekend.