Curriculum News
Welcome to Kate Tretheway (Bu Kate)!
The Reception-Year 1 classes talked about how families pass on stories from one generation to the next, and how it is an important tradition across all cultures and communities. We made paper cup phones to use to tell our own stories to a partner.
Year 2 students in R4 have been learning all about what technology is and how it has changed over time. Last week we sorted a collection of items into what is technology and what is not technology.
To help us learn about some of the different celebrations in Australia and around the world, all of the students in G2, G3, G4 and Y3 made a mini poster about one of the celebrations in their own family. We shared these with the class and have put them up on display so we can learn about some of the celebrations that are important to the students at our school.
IELC Class G1
We have been working with G1 to help us with our skills on technology. A lot of us have very limited experiences with things like iPads and computers, so they were a bit tricky for us to use. Our buddies helped us use the iPads and Chromebooks so that we could play some maths games together. This also helped us connect with students and teachers outside of IELC. We had a great time and have learnt a lot.
IELC Classes R3 and Y3 have formed as friendship classes. Students from Y3 are helping younger students from R3 to build up their literacy confidence.
Instrumental Music Lessons
My name is George Dinedios. I am an Instrumental Music teacher at your child’s school teaching Modern Guitar to year 5 and 6 students. These Instrumental Lessons are provided by the Department for Education free of charge and taught by qualified school teachers who are fully registered with the Teacher Registration Board of South Australia. Lessons are based on the Australian Curriculum and students receive semester reports detailing their progress. It has been a pleasure working with the Clovelly students so far this year and I look forward to being part of their musical journey.
Physical Education
This term in PE we have been focusing on our whole school social and emotional learning program Play is the Way. In PE lessons all classes have been enjoying playing the games together and building positive relationships with one another. We have also begun our unit of work on Athletics. Please look out for information regarding our Sports Day (date to be confirmed) as well as After School Sporting opportunities that may arise.