From the Team 

3/4 Classrooms

What a term!

A big thank you to all students and families for working together to get through this mostly remote term!  During the course of the Term 3 we have had to really brush off our at home teaching and learning skills, and work together to do our best.  And, we have seen some great results! 


Some of the things students have to say about remote learning: 


"I loved being able to see my friends on calls and writing poems about anything." – Isla 3RO


"I love Remote Learning! Because of WebEx you have so many opportunities and I can still see my friends." – Haana 3RO


"Stay positive work hard and make it happen. This term was great and I really enjoyed working on 3D shape books it was fun because I learnt about faces, edges and corners. I found it really interesting to work on this activity because I got to learn about all different kinds of 3D shapes." - Lana 3GM


"I enjoyed doing the rich assessment tasks." - Max 3GM


"I enjoyed the integrated tasks the most because I got to learn about people that have disabilities." - Hank 3GM


"I liked doing [the integrated] activity because I got to learn about someone I had heard about for the first time and got to know what they were famous for. I am proud of this work because I submitted everything and had fun doing it." - Valentine 4CB


Over the term, students were introduced to a wide variety of concepts, skills and ideas. And even though the grade 4's missed out on camp, some families embraced the idea of camping out at home! 


In fact, many of our students discovered that learning from home meant that they could make time for creative activities when they had finished their class work - not to mention being able to enjoy spending more time at home!


"A positive thing about remote learning is that you get to build and make things you have been wanting to do, but not get to do, but now you can." – Ryan 3RO


"I’ve loved making machines, for example a chocolate dispenser and a puff puff machine. I’ve really enjoyed making them." – Sophia 3RO


"I loved term 3. I know lockdown has been a pain but everyone has made me proud how we could handle everything fine! Don’t you miss home? After everyday going to school and missing home for 6 hours, we finally got to be home for a whole day!!" – Emma 3RO


"The positive thing about home learning is that we still meet each other in the Webex and we can still talk to each other." - Jane 4CE


"Something positive about lockdown is that you get to eat hot food, eat snacks any time, and stay in bed for longer." - Jenn 4CE


"Something positive about lockdown is that I get to have more phone calls with people I love." - Eva 4JT


"With remote learning you get to spend more time with your family and your pets." - Alex 4JT


To celebrate all that we accomplished this term, we asked our students to reflect on work they were proud of. We also asked them to share some thoughts about their term at home. Jane and Lucia of 4CE even made some inspirational posters to keep us going


Valentine 4CB
James 4CE
Gemma 4CE
Jayden's Healthy Recess at Home
Aryan Going for Gold!
Kouki Going for Gold!
Ara Camping at Home
Jack Going for Gold!
Valentine 4CB
James 4CE
Gemma 4CE
Jayden's Healthy Recess at Home
Aryan Going for Gold!
Kouki Going for Gold!
Ara Camping at Home
Jack Going for Gold!


Isla 3RO
Ryan's Castle 3RO
Sophia's Machines 3RO
Emma 3RO
Isla 3RO
Ryan's Castle 3RO
Sophia's Machines 3RO
Emma 3RO


Even though lockdown continues, we hope that you are all able to find some time to relax and enjoy the school holiday break. 


Looking forward to an exciting Term 4 homestretch! 


Best Regards from Team 3/4