From the Foundation Classrooms

Creating Puppets!

As part of our Fairness and Friendship unit, this week’s task involved making two puppets of our creative choice. These could be sock puppets, stick puppets, icy-pole puppets, paper puppets, finger puppets, envelope puppets or egg carton puppets. We used craft materials which we had at home to help us create our puppets. To prepare and plan for our puppet making, we brainstormed ideas and watched a variety of video clips demonstrating how to create different puppets. 

The next step was to review the tasks we have completed throughout the term including sharing family rules, reviewing our school rules, identifying the importance of listening for understanding, discussing social skills important for working in teams and sharing actions which we can take to be a good friend. We chose a task that we have completed throughout the term and wrote an action which we could do to demonstrate this for example One way that I will listen with understanding is by looking at the speaker because it shows them I am interested in what they are saying.

The final stage of our Fairness and Friendship unit was our Rich Assessment Task (RAT). Using the puppets we had created, and the action we had chosen to focus on, we completed a role-play acting this out. We could use backgrounds, voices, settings or special effects. We video recorded our role-plays and were able to share these with our grade.