The Art Padlet!

Since opening to the public the Gallery of Works Created at Home Padlet continues to grow and expand. So too has the number of visitors to the exhibition! What a great way this is to showcase the creativity of our children, not just in the works created in response to my lessons, but also in the work they are doing on their own. For me, this latter aspect has been most encouraging. Sometimes I can go on about how doing and making art is good for our well-being. And we all know that our well-being is being challenged by the lockdowns we are living through. So it is wonderful to discover that our children are supporting their well-being through the making of art.

If you haven't already done so, please pay a visit to our virtual gallery. Maybe put up some of your own art too.


Nurturing Creativity.

I have been privileged this week to attend the annual on-line art teachers' conference run by Zart, called Nurturing Creativity. This year the conference speakers and workshops were all focused on celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art. The keynote speaker for day 1 was Maree Clarke. Maree is a Yorta Yorta, Wamba Wamba, Mutti Mutti, Boonwurrung Woman and internationally acclaimed artist. In her practice she seeks to revive and reclaim lost and dormant cultural practices. She uses everything from kangaroo teeth she sources from road kill, possum skins and 3D printed materials. An exhibition of her works, including jewellery, installations, paintings and video is currently set up in the Ian Potter Gallery of the NGV. As soon as the lockdown is lifted sufficiently, I will be going to see her amazing work, and I encourage you to do so also.

My favourite workshop was with Shelly Ware, a proud Yankunyjatjara and Wirangu woman, who taught us skills in basket weaving with dried raffia. Whilst I had already done some learning in this area, I am now feeling more confident about introducing this skill to the grade 5 and 6 children when we can be back in school. It's very addictive, and I have sore fingers from doing so much of it over the past few days.

I hope everyone enjoys a restful, restorative break during the school holidays. Whilst there are no art galleries open yet, for me to recommend, I do suggest that you get out into nature and enjoy the visual displays that spring is bringing to us. These might inspire you to make art too. I have been noticing and documenting the different varieties of wattle flowering within my 5k radius.

A colleague alerted me to this workshop being held by the Melbourne Museum during the holidays, which may be of interest. It's called Drawing on Nature: Wattle we draw?


My very best wishes to you all as we stay home and stay well!


Mrs H