
Our school is located on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. 

Term 3

I find myself having lots of conversations about the date, how can it be September already? How can Term 3 be almost over? 


A thank you video for the students, community and staff of Boroondara Park PS -  Thank you!


The time we live in remains uncertain and whilst we do not know when we will all return onsite we are looking forward to seeing all of our students. 


Our students will be looking forward to seeing their friends and playing together again. Reconnection to those important in our lives will be part of our plan to return to school,  with wellbeing activities a part of our program.

The key to our work will be to provide routine and order to our students. Ensuring school is predictable, knowing how we learn together in the classroom and celebrating being back together as a community will enable our students to settle back into being onsite. 

As always we will focus on the core learning of our students, having them back in the classroom is something we are all eager for. 


As a school we will try to provide lots of great celebrations as we head towards the end of the year, including excursions when they are allowed again. Our staff have spent this week planning the learning program for the start of Term 4, they have planned for remote learning but as always will pivot as soon as we are all able to be back onsite. 

A little surprise

We wanted to let you know we have popped a little hello in the post for all of our students today. We hope Australia Post manages to get them to everyone. 

Curriculum News

This week our Curriculum News is a huge thank you to our students, staff and community. 

This part of our newsletter will continue to grow, we aim to build the knowledge of our community by providing regular information about our teaching and learning program. There are many more topics to write about so keep an eye out for more information next term. 

Ongoing wellbeing support 

We have been sharing resources available from the Royal Children's Hospital this term. 


The Kids Health podcast section of their website is filled with all sorts of topics around children's health. We shared details about two of these episodes in the last newsletter. The episodes run for 20-30 minutes on average and are available to listen through this page. If you want to suggest a topic not covered yet, then send them an email -


Ongoing support through our Education sub-committee will take place in Term 4. We will be reflecting on how we can provide a parent forum to support family wellbeing and how we will reconnect to school when we are all back onsite. 


Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800

headspace - National Youth Mental Health Foundation

eSafety Kids 

eSafety Kids staying safe on line - Covid-19  

Maintenance worker

The expansive grounds at Boroondara Park are a pride to us all, however the time and budget required to maintain them is considerable. With the impact of COVID adding to our inability to undertake working bees and an evaluation of what is required to maintain the school, we are excited to announce the employment of a maintenance/gardener for three days a week. His first task with us will be to get the grounds back in order, we cannot wait for his work to be admired once we are all back on site. 

School Grounds open

Throughout the holiday period we encourage you to use the school grounds for your exercise, to ride around, to play basketball or use the play equipment.


When entering the grounds and especially when using the equipment please use the QR code and follow the health advice by keeping masks on, physically distancing and only one adult with children on the playground. 


As restrictions ease and the weather improves we expect to see more of our community enjoying the grounds. 


If you are on site and see anything of concern, people on the roof or behaving in an anti-social manner please call the police. We are on the regular patrol list for the Boroondara Police and welcome your support to keep our grounds safe for all who access them. 


Fun for children at virtual Victoria Nature Festival

The Victoria Nature Festival runs from September 11th to 26th.

Highlights of the online program include:  

There are a range of videos on the festival website, I think I need to watch the frog monitoring program. 

Vaccination information

Please refer to the Sentral message sent to all families on September 13th regarding COVID-19 vaccination information. 


Term 4

Term 4 starts on Monday October 4th. We will contact you via Sentral regarding any changes to school, particularly in terms of any announcements regarding a return to onsite learning. 


Wishing all of our students, families and staff a sunshiny holiday. Take care and stay well.


Susanne Lowe
