School News

Marni Naa Pudni 

We have hit the half way mark of another extremely busy term. We have some more exciting events over the coming weeks with swimming and our Virtual Community Night. 


Currently we are going to continue with our COVID approach and limit access to the site except for essential needs. Hopefully there will be a change in the near future and we can enable parents back onsite on a regular basis.


Book Week

This  week LNPS celebrated the National CBCA Book Week! Throughout the week students and staff will be engaging in many exciting learning experiences. 


We started off the Book Week celebrations with a performance last week linked to the  Book Week theme the Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds called  "Bigger, better, brighter!".  The whole school enjoyed the performance that brought together all the elements of great storytelling - a hero, a mystery, a quest, and an exploration! 


Today, we had the Book Week Parade that went extremely well and was live streamed to families (a recording will also be emailed to families). It was great to see the huge amount of effort students/families and staff have made with their costumes to link them to the theme.


Tomorrow,  we will participating in electives around the theme of the Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds where we experienced the power of reading through the themes of belonging, persistence, risk taking, curiosity and humour.


“The more that you read, the more things you’ll know, the more you learn, the more places you’ll go”.  Dr. Seuss




SSO Recognition Week

Thank you to all of our wonderful support staff. We are so grateful for everything you do for our students, staff, families and the whole school community. #SSOWeek #LNPSProud


They are the bright and cheery team that welcome you to the school, which help you with finances, with medical issues and with information about the school. They provide programs for intervention for children, they provide support for specific learning needs, they maintain the school grounds and buildings, and they help to maintain a vibrant and interesting library.


The school could not operate effectively without the huge support they provide to us as leaders and teachers in the school.


We feel sure that you, as an appreciative school community, would join us in acknowledging the great work that they do.


To acknowledge our wonderful SSO Team we had a lovely morning tea provided by Bakers On Henley and they each received a small gift.


Goal Setting and Learning Conferences

Students, parents/caregivers and teachers have now completed another highly successful round of Goal Setting and Learning Conferences. It is exciting to speak with students and families about the growth that is happening related to goal setting.


As part of our approach to continually refine our practices and our first time online, if you have any feedback regarding Goal Setting and Learning Conferences please contact me at or 84435544. 



Tomorrow, our state’s preliminary NAPLAN results will be publicly released. Our system is anticipating improvement across a number of areas due to the relentless approach we have had to teaching and learning over the past two years. LNPS has been part of this approach and we are looking forward to seeing the growth for our students in NAPLAN as we have seen in a wide range of site based data.  


NAPLAN printed reporting packs will be delivered to all schools from mid-September.


These packs include the hard copy individual student reports for distribution to parents/caregivers. Once reports have been received they will be distributed to families.  


Early Years Redevelopment

The tender for the project has now been allocated and we are awaiting confirmation of the start date from the Department for Transport and Infrastructure.  Fingers crossed this will be in the very near future.


We thank everyone for their patience, and we share your frustrations as we continue to navigate a process that is not within our control in regards to timelines and a delayed start date.




Tyson and Mirjana