Upcoming events 

Wakakirri 2021!

Wakakirri Families please note:


Wakakirri has been rescheduled. Our performance will now take place on Monday October 25, week 4 of Term 4.

Thank you for your donations, costumes and ticket sales. We are now have everything we need for our Wakakirri performance.

Regarding ticket sales however, due to the ongoing covid restrictions, our performance will have to be audience free. If you purchased tickets to the performance, you will receive an email from the school office with details about how you can be refunded. Please read this information carefully and bear with us, as refunding every family one by one is a time consuming job and may take several weeks.


Thank you again for your support.


-Jess Emery, Samantha Lord and Steph Quarrier



Recycled Dress Up Day 

Fri. 10th September

Recycled dress up day is about reusing what you already have, borrowing from someone else or maybe mum or dad or made from recycling. Nothing you wear can be new, it has to all be recycled, have fun! 😊