From the Principal 

David Tapp

Dear Parents and Carers,

As we enter another two weeks of Remote Learning; I have a number of celebrations and successes I wish to share with the school community. On Tuesday the Victorian NAPLAN data was released; our school has done exceptionally well. Our Grade 3 students have for the first time, beaten the State average in Reading, with 67% of our students achieving in 

the Top Two Bands. Writing followed a similar trend, just 2% off state with 53% of students in the top two bands. Across the board our Grade 3 data improved. In Grade 5; we had big improvements as well, with 10% more students entering the top two bands for Reading, also an increase in the top two bands for Numeracy. We are very proud of our students and their excellent results.

Although NAPLAN is only one assessment that we do at school, it is a very significant assessment and is used by Education Departments around the country as a major indicator of school performance. Whilst we believe most of our students across the school have made good learning progress during remote learning, we acknowledge there have been challenges for some, including some of our Years 3 and 5 students. 


We know some students and their families have found remote learning and being away from school 

very, very challenging and a few students may not have made the progress they expected. We also know that for some students and their families wellbeing has needed to be a high priority. We know that everyone has been doing the very best they can and as always, we are doing the very best we can, every day, to support and further the learning of all of our students including those who need to catch up on learning.


I am pleased to announce following School Council last night that we have confirmed both the Year 5-6 Camp and the 3-4 Camps have been booked for Term 4. Both camps will be at different locations to their original bookings however the new camps will provide different experiences and opportunities for our students.  Whilst we wait for the Chief Health Officer and Department of Education to change the current restrictions in relation to camps, we are very hopeful they will go ahead. 

We are still seeking parent feedback with the Parent Opinion Survey, if you have received a link, we encourage all families to complete it. I would like to thank all parents who responded to the School Council Canteen Survey. We had over 200 responses; as a Council, we will review these and plan out the next steps. 


As mentioned previously we have a Curriculum Day for the first day of Term 4, the 4th of October; this will focus on Student Engagement. Over the coming weeks we will be having the basketball court works completed; this is very exciting for our students and we are hopeful that upon their return in Term 4 we will have an excellent facility for our students to enjoy. 


This Sunday is Fathers Day, I hope all your children enjoy spending some quality time together. Have a great weekend.


David Tapp