From the Principal 

Dear Parents and Carers,


As we start the week, we are faced with the reality of another Lockdown period.  Thank you to parents and carers for the way you show patience and understanding each time we shift to remote learning.  

Although we have become accustomed to this transition from onsite learning to remote learning, it is still a disruptive process that takes time to readjust our support and educational programs.  As a community, St Simon’s families have always been very supportive and patient as we all come to terms with the restrictions for the days and weeks ahead. Thank you for your support and understanding.

Remote Learning and Parental Supervision

During remote learning, the school is responsible for maintaining the continuity of learning for students through the delivery and facilitation of remote learning programs.

The supervision of students at home during remote learning is the responsibility of parents and carers.  Students should only use their St Simon’s Google account for accessing and participating in education programs related to remote learning.  


Understandably during this time of physical and social isolation, students may wish to connect with their friends through chat, video chat or video meeting platforms to maintain social contact.  These activities should always be done with parental knowledge and supervision using accounts or services that parents know about.  

School staff are not in a position to be able to supervise or actively intervene when social difficulties arise between students in these forums.


I encourage all parents and carers to have regular “check-in” conversations with their children about their online and digital communication, particularly during remote learning, to ensure that their experiences are positive and beneficial.  These conversations may also provide the space your child needs to share about times when they have felt uncomfortable or unsafe.

The Australian Government eSafety Commissioner has relevant and accessible resources for parents to assist families with the complexities of raising children in a digital environment.

Please see for more information.

Feast of Mary of the Cross MacKillop 8th August

On Sunday 8th August the Church acknowledged our first Australian saint, St Mary of the Cross MacKillop.

St Mary’s focus of helping those in need is a humbling reminder for us to be more outward facing, sharing God’s love and compassion. 

This week you might like to share a time of family prayer with the following: 

Mary MacKillop Prayer 

Ever generous God, 

You inspired Saint Mary MacKillop 

To live her life faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ 

and constant in bringing hope and encouragement 

to those who were disheartened, lonely or needy. 

With confidence in your generous providence and through the 

intercession of Saint Mary MacKillop.

We ask that our faith and hope be fired afresh by the Holy Spirit so that we too, 

like Mary MacKillop, may live with courage, trust and openness. 

Ever generous God, hear our prayer. 

We ask this through Jesus Christ. 



‘Mary MacKillop, pray for us.


2022 Prep Enrolment

To assist with 2022 school planning and organisation, I would ask any families who haven’t sent in an enrolment form for their child starting next year to do so as soon as possible.  

During this time of lockdown, please reach out to the school office via to indicate your intention of filling out an enrolment application as soon as restrictions have been lifted.

Word of mouth is our school’s most powerful marketing tool.  If you know of any families in your local networks and communities who have a child due to start prep next year, 

please encourage them to place an enrolment enquiry at the office ( or 97554222).  

We welcome the opportunity to share first hand what a fantastic place St Simon the Apostle Primary School is. 

Prep: School Nursing Program 2021  

Last week all prep students received School Nurse Program Survey envelope.  This is a government-funded program that provides an opportunity for all prep aged students to be screened for development milestones including basic sight and hearing tests.

Participation in the program is entirely voluntary however strongly encouraged.

Returning of the survey forms will need to be in line with the Lockdown restrictions of the day, so at this stage please return these forms as soon as all students are able to return to onsite learning (hopefully sooner than later!) 

School Fees and COVID

The impact of the COVID19 restrictions is having a massive influence on the economy and job security.  Any school family who is experiencing financial hardship and needs assistance with school fees obligations is encouraged to contact me via email ( to discuss how we can help at this time.





God bless






Tom Wursthorn
