From the Archives 

News and new acquisitions

Mr Anthony Kelly & Mrs Caroline Chapman




A couple of weeks ago, Mr Kelly received another donation to be held in our College Archives. It is a unique piece of clothing and the first of the Rugby Union jumpers designed for O'Connor's First XV.  


As you will notice, the crest is not the college emblem we are familiar with. It is neither the emblem with the cross, nor the dove. According to donor Colin House, it was designed as an interim and based on the old Armidale De La Salle College crest. 


Colin also has a newspaper article that dates from that era. It mentions how the First XV Team were to play against TAS and Colin and a couple of others were only in Year 10. TAS wouldn't allow them to play against the 1st Team because of the younger players so they played the 2nd's. O'Connor won the game 50-0.  Things were reassessed and a decision was made to let them play their 1st XV. It was a competitive game and TAS were the victors with a score of 18-12. 

In this era the focus was on Rugby Union and it was some time later that Rugby League was also included in the range of sports played against other Armidale schools.