College News 

Joseph Stanley - TAFE Virtual Open Day Interview


Recently, Joseph Stanley received the Technology and Business Services Student of the Year Award for TAFE NSW. He completed a Certificate II in Business Services in 2020. He has now appeared in the TAFE Virtual Open Day.

Science Week

Holding Science Week in a period of connected learning provided some challenges. Our students however got into the science groove through the daily challenges posted on the College Facebook page.

QUITE AN EXPLOSION: Shanae Bull really embraced the volcano challenge for Science Week 2021. 


ERUPTION TIME: Eliza made an amazing volcano for Friday's Daily Challenge

CREATING A REACTION: Pacey Noakes was quite active in our College daily challenges.


A FOOD THEME: This Year's Science Week's theme was 'FOOD - DIFFERENT BY DESIGN'. Jess MacMahon cooked up some scones for the occassion and Wednesday's food challenge. 

ONE FROM LAST LOCKDOWN: Our Admin Team saw the opportunity to flashback to their Tiktok last year given they had a great science look. 

Senior Debating

The College debating team competed against Snowy Mountains Grammar on Thursday this week and after an interesting debate were declared the victors. 

The topic was 'That poverty should be a defence against crimes of acquisition such as theft and fraud' and OCC debated the negative.

The team consisted of Sophie Ridley, Tebitha Subrayan  and  Angus Scrivener.  Joel Croft was team advisor during the one hour preparation time.


The Middle School Team of Year 9 students Joe Schmude, John Harris and Sophie Ridley debated  Canberra Girls Grammar Thursday afternoon and Canberra were the victors on this occasion in a close decision. 

The topic was 'That there should be a quota of political candidates under 35 years of age' and we debated affirmative. They spoke really well and received some excellent feedback from the adjudicator.

Connected Learning and the 'daily challenges' 


College Captain Hamish Biddle sends a special message to Year 12.

Throughout this period of connected learning, our students have kept engaged with some activities. The following show some examples of how creative our students are.



Make a portrait of Ms Menz out of things out of your garden.


Perform in an Olympic Sport


SLALOM SUCCESS: Shanae negotiates the rapids of of the times in her Kayak.