The Arrowsmith Program 


Head of the Arrowsmith Program




A message from the Arrowsmith Community.

The Olympic Games allow us to celebrate our common humanity and imagine a better world. This year many of us looked to the athletes to find inspiration - after more than a year of loss and uncertainty, watching athletes achieve their dreams despite the challenges felt almost rejuvenating. 

For those of us at Arrowsmith, inspiration is everywhere. Students show grit every day. Organizations show perseverance and adaptation. Our own staff constantly pursue excellence in service. In fact, maybe we don’t have to wait every 2 years for inspiration, we just need to look around – there are gold medalists in our midst! 


August 12th was set by the United Nations as International Youth Day. While Arrowsmith’s Cognitive Enhancement is useful to everyone, at any age, we have a particular interest in helping youth achieve their full potential. Arrowsmith regularly receives stories and testimonials from around the world about how students’ lives are changed by our Program. We also see Arrowsmith students become Arrowsmith Teachers who, in turn, help other youths transform their lives. If the future of humanity is in our children, it behooves us to do all we can to help children have the most opportunities to blossom and contribute. We believe Cognitive Enhancement is an important building block for those opportunities.