Middle School


Head of Middle School





Last week the idea of “themed days” was introduced to the Middle School. Each day was different and certainly did get our students more involved. We have received pictures, short videos, and comments from each year level showing us what they had to contribute. By far the most popular was Tasty Tuesday. The preparation and sharing of food can lift individuals and change their moods. It was not just the students who became involved, staff also enjoyed the experience as highlighted by the number of email posts shared with colleagues.


While we are uncertain what lies ahead, the one thing I am certain of is that the staff of the Middle School will continue to work with students to provide the necessary support each day to continue their education. We know remote learning is not easy for parents or families, but we are here to work with you. If the day is not going well, a break to enjoy the sunshine, a conversation or a walk can help to reset an attitude. As we learnt last year, the mental health of our students must be a priority. 



Year 8 and 9 Coordinator 





Years 8 and 9

Even though it is tough and becoming difficult to navigate the circumstances we are currently in, our students continue to surprise us. I look forward to my lessons, as I know my conversations with them will be some of the highlights of my day. Moreover, with the implementation of themes for each day of the week, the posts made online and the stories being shared have changed the view and moods of many. The posts, photos, and videos, which have been shared on TEAMs and our School’s social media, have all been a wonderful change from the usual news. We are proud of our Year 8 and 9 students for their positive contributions over the past two weeks. It is important to also take the time to acknowledge the following students for their exceptional efforts during remote learning. Congratulations to:


Athanasios Papageorgiou 8A 

Dimitri Stoumbos 8A 

Ketrina Mawal 8B 

Gabriel O’Connor 8B 

George Dimitropoulos 8C

Helen Kousourakis 8C

Lucas Koutsovasilis 9A

Olivia McLeod 9A

Christian Dunn 9B

Catherine Giannaros 9B




Year 6 and 7 Coordinator





Years 6 and 7

We are proud of our students and feel blessed to work with them and with you. Whilst lockdowns have begun to take a toll on the students, they are the reason we continue.


Last week we launched our first week of themes. It was amazing to see a variety of Tasty, Wacky, Thankful, and Flashback posts from students and staff and it certainly lifted the spirits. 


Here are some reflections and images;


Nathanael A

I am thankful for the opportunities and the privilege to hear the opinions and views of others.

Saverio A

I’m thankful for my friendly family and friends for helping me and each other in these tough times. I am thankful for my cute pets that are keeping me company when I am feeling down. I am grateful for a roof over my head and for having shelter. I am thankful for the food I am able to eat and I am thankful for the ability to be full in my stomach. I am thankful for God watching over us and helping us with our prayers. I am thankful for my happiness and strength to get through this lockdown. I am thankful for my toys that I can play with to keep me happy. I am thankful for my education and my schooling so I can achieve more knowledge and get smarter. I am thankful for my hard-working teachers that they have helped us through tough times and helping us with our education. Most of all, I am thankful for my happy, safe, and healthy life and family and friends and everyone I know. Thank you God and Christ for everything you have done for us.


Congratulations to the following students as recipients of our latest ’I Can. We Will.’ Awards:


Connie Lekkas  6A 

John Aivaliotis  6B 

Sophia McLaughlin 7A

Benjamin Carmody 7B