Senior School


Head of Senior School






Whilst Term 3 has presented us with challenges to overcome once again, we have managed to find a way to work through each of them. I would like to acknowledge the staff of the Senior School for the adjustment they have made in their teaching practices to work with students to engage them in an environment where communication through a screen can limit their interaction. Finding a way to impart knowledge, develop skills and understanding while working to lift spirits is no easy task. However, they have continued to evolve their teaching and listened to feedback from our customer, the student.  What has truly stood out is the genuine care and concern for each student in their care. Conversations are ongoing, pretty much each day. Students are encouraged to use their voice to tell us what they need because we are listening and prepared to work with them to ensure a successful conclusion to this term.Parents if you have concerns or questions we encourage you to also reach out to one of us.




Year 12 Coordinator






Year 12

Throughout the various lockdowns, one of the most challenging things for students, teachers, and families has been the uncertainty. This time around, the extended lockdown has actually provided a little more certainty for our students, really letting them settle into the remote learning process. 

As a result, we have been able to complete SACs and work requirements online and have kept up to date with the study design requirements, putting many students in a good position for the exams in November. Some students have reported that they are finding remote learning beneficial and have used these last few weeks to get on top of their studies. 

However, there are also many challenges. The most difficult to overcome is the isolation. To improve our sense of connection and add a little levity into the program, we have instituted Trivia Tuesday during our pastoral sessions. The top three students win a prize each week. Last week, our victorious winners, Miladin Milosevic, Vyoma Chaudhari, and Angelica Athanasakis were rewarded with a delivery of some fine foods. Below is a picture of Angelica’s pancakes from the Pancake Parlour. I am happy to take trivia food sponsorships if we have any small businesses out there who want to support our Year 12s. 😊 




Year 10 & 11 Coordinator





Year 10 and 11

Year 10 and 11 students have been doing their best to adjust to the demands of working from home during the current extended period of remote learning. It has posed many challenges including the lack of face-to-face social interactions that would normally occur at school.  

To combat this, we have offered students solutions utilising the following ideas:

  1. Make remote learning more social - students have been given the opportunity to work in break-out rooms so they can connect with their peers on a more personal note. Pastoral staff have adopted this approach for Pastoral, running smaller group sessions with 3 to 4 students to allow them time to pop in and say “Hi” and talk to each student in a more focused manner. This approach has also allowed students an opportunity to catch up with friends to simply chat.
  2. To encourage more involvement in remote learning, themed days have been introduced to make each day slightly different and interesting for our staff and students.
  3. If this does not interest students, we recommend a break from the areas usually used for their remote learning. Change location to change their physical learning environment by moving somewhere different in the house. Work outside when the weather permits. Major changes are not possible at present but small changes such as these can make a difference to how each day runs.

Parents, please have a conversation with your children, check-in to see how they are. If they are struggling, please do hesitate to contact me or their Home Group teacher. We will work with you to assist and support your student. It is important that no one feel that they are alone through this tough time when support and someone to listen is an email away.

Those who have managed to find a way to make remote learning work for them, congratulations. Perhaps you could share your experiences with your peers and give them some tips to make it through the remainder of remote learning. 

Congratulations to the following students, nominated by Pastoral staff, who are the recipients of the I Can. We Will. awards for their enthusiasm and engagement during remote learning. 


 Year 10

Duncan Bain

Adam Hamadi

Savva Ivanov

Eros Kene


Year 11

Maria Andreou

Paul Apos

Spencer Eagles

Kikoeibuji Korn

 Alexander Kotsirilos

Alena Sfrantzis


To all our students, stay strong and stay safe. We can get through this together with communication and an open mind, and we will come out on top if we work together to make these coming weeks work for all of us.