Stage 3

Year 5 

Here are some images and captions of Year 5.


The pictures are of the learning environment students are working in as well as some work that they are proud of. I hope you enjoy this snapshot into Year 5’s home learning experience.

Talitha and Skye working in different learning environments. At home and at school.


Eva doing the 'Are you ok' poster.


Liliana on a Google Meet.


Eva attending her Year 5 Google Meet.


Image of plant design that will survive in the Australian Desert.


This is a picture of Macie’s plant design that will survive in the harsh conditions of the Australian desert. This plant has important structural features which allows it to survive. And Macie working on her home learning.


Mila working at her desk and her 'Are you ok' poster.


This is me, Katelyn! I am working on word work!


This is Karma’s plant design that will survive in the desert, her cubby that she designed for Creative Art and Karma working on Home Learning activities.


Urbi working on home learning activities and working on Maths on top of her cat Ozzy.


Ben working at his table on his 'Are you ok' poster.


This is Nilara with her plant design for Science. 

Aleah working on her Home Learning activities.


Brad working on his home learning and with his 'Are you ok' poster.

Chase doing some reading Eggs.







Mr Samuel King  | Year 5  Teacher

Year 6

While learning at home, Year 6 has been learning about different types of poems and having a go at writing some of our very own. 

Please enjoy this small selection from some of our Year 6 poets!


My Mum by Georgina Brimson

She's as hardworking as a busy bee,

She's as bright and happy as the sun, 

She gives hugs like a big brown bear, 

She's as sly and sneaky as a fox,

She's as fashionable as the people in the magazines,

She's as cheerful as a cheerleader,

She is my mum and I love her.


A Boy Named Dan by Laura Ray

There once was a boy named Dan, 

Who was not a magpie fan.

He ran through the park wailing,

With a cranky magpie tailing,

It’s no wonder Dan is not a fan! 


The Man from Berlin by Finn Garland

There was a young man from Berlin,

Who loved all food from a tin.

From spaghetti to spam,

All foods in a can,

Were loved by the man from Berlin.


Trucks by James Cooper

Oh, trucks!

You are the coolest transport. 

Paint as cool as Tom Roberts paintings.

A rev of happiness in my heart.

My mouth drops when you change gears, 

You warm my heart with every wheel spin

Oh, how much I love you dearly. 


Doughnuts by Mackenzie Lister

Oh donuts!

You are my favourite of all food!

As perfect as a rose,

An explosion of flavours in my mouth,

My heart sings with every bite,

Making my mood lift up,

I really love you!


Mango Pickle by Ayaan Mohammed

Oh! The bitter taste of mango pickle.

It’s rough as the moon,

A bitter ball on my tongue,

My tongue growls at every bite,

Oh, how I hate you.


The Brolly by Rachel Ranby

I bought a new umbrella,

It really is the best.

It looks like it might rain today

So I'll put it to the test.

I step out with a hop, and a jump,

Admiring its sleek design,

Its wooden handle and silk canopy-

I can hardly believe it's mine.

It’s not a $2 one,

Not a piece of junk,

It’s not a telescoping one,

But it’s full of soul and funk.

The handle made of wood

Is smooth and hooked and fine

It shows a lot of craftsmanship

Oh, I’m really glad it’s mine.

And now it starts to rain

So the canopy I extend.

Under I am safe and dry

On my brolly I depend.

Its rainbow-coloured canopy 

brightens the grey day.

People are admiring it -

Everyone’s looking my way.

The wind whips up,

A storm has really set,

But my gorgeous brolly

Hasn’t failed me yet.

But then a great gust

Pulls the brolly from my hand!

And it’s sailing skyward now

I’m scared where it will land!

The brolly twists and turns

Whilst flying through the air,

Then it falls back down to earth

And lands on a chair.

I run across the busy road,

Sliding on the wet ground,

I make it to the chair -

So glad my brolly’s found!


No More by Noah Stirton 

Wash, wash, wash your hands,

Fifty times a day.

If we keep the germs away 

Then at school we’ll stay.

Keep, keep, keep your space, 

Especially when we play.

Social distancing is what we do 

1.5 away.

Teach, teach, teach us please,

The old fashioned way.

No more screens,

No more phones,

No more Zoom today!






Mrs Megan Green | Yera 6 Teacher