I am writing to let you know of a wonderful initiative available through Vinnies NILs called No Interest Loans (NILs). A NILS loan has no interest, no fees, no charges ever.


Every year, we help parents and carers on low incomes (in particular those on Centrelink) to apply for a NILs loan of up to $1,500 to cover the cost of essential school items such as uniforms, books, laptops, stationery, school camps, and musical instruments(as well as other essential such as washing machines, fridges, car repairs, medical and dental expenses).


What is a NILs loan?

A NILs loan is a safe, affordable alternative to high-interest payday loans or rent-to-buy leases. It’s not a payday loan or a bank loan but a form of ‘circular community credit'. This means when a borrower makes a repayment to NILs, the funds are then released to someone else in the community. NILs is supported by not-for-profit Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand, with funding from the Australian Government in partnership with NAB.


To help raise awareness of NILs

If you feel that your students and their families could benefit, I encourage you to raise awareness of NILs loans for education costs within your school community.


To assist I’ve attached a copy of an A4 advertisement in PDF format that you may wish to publish in your school newsletter and website AND/OR print and display in your reception area. You may also wish to inform parents via email or post, particularly when school booklist reminders are being distributed, and to notify your school counsellor and accounts team if parents call to request a payment plan.

Parents can find out more information about NILs by contacting:

Vinnies NILs

5229 8829

2021 Term 1 Parent

Education Events

The Fort - City of Greater Geelong

Term 1 Activities

Local Support Services

Geelong Unity Cup - Free and Fun Footy Program

GSODA Junior Players

GSODA is Australia's longest running Junior Theatre Company and applications are now open to join the 2021 workshop group. If this sounds like a perfect opportunity for someone you know, please check out to find out more about our company and download an application form to sign up for an audition.

Barwon Health Immunisation Centres and Hours