From the Principal
The 'Fives' Lighthouse
From the Principal
The 'Fives' Lighthouse
One of the truly special features of Preshil being in partnership with the IB is that it connects us to a worldwide community of educators who share a common belief that education can help build a better world.
Like Preshil, the IB and its programmes are unique in many ways: not-for-profit, so there are no shareholders and any surplus income is invested back into their work; independent of political and commercial interests; programmes offered in a hugely diverse range of schools around the world, Preshil proudly being one of them.
As we prepare for the first of three rigorous evaluations of our IB programmes - the Middle Years Programme (MYP) - we have also used this time to reflect on the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and Diploma Programme (DP) and exactly what it means to have a Preshil education.
In mid-February I attended the International Baccalaureate Diploma Awards Ceremony at Deakin Edge, Federation Square – a night where we celebrated academic success and acknowledged the highest achieving IB students of 2020. It’s a night I’ve attended many times before. This year no one clapped louder than me as our students presented on stage. Their hard work and commitment rewarded them with impressive scores but what was really special was that these amazing young adults, who attended both Arlington and Blackhall Kalimna, were authentically living the Preshil vision.
They proudly represented the Preshil graduating class of 2020, a group of inspiring young adults who weathered the COVID storm and, although they missed out on those rites of passage such as a Year 12 Formal, they bravely wore our school motto of Courage over every hurdle. They made it through a year we will never forget. They excitedly spoke to me about part-time jobs they’ve secured since finishing last year and what they wanted to do next, and they also reflected on their primary years at Arlington (the mischief had and the good friendships made) but, above all, the values they acquired over their time at Preshil. They are well aware their DP scores do not define them, and they know too that we are proud of each and every one of them.
Preshil’s Vision Statement declares:
As global citizens we encourage an awareness of world issues and encourage effort to make a positive difference. We believe that education should prepare students to be thoughtful, peace-loving and active citizens of the world. Preshil will remain a school that puts kindness, compassion and social relationships at the centre of its operations.
Preshil is not just a school, it’s a living community. We all - Principal, staff, students and parents - share the responsibility of maintaining a positive and supportive atmosphere. Our Vision Statement is precious. It’s why we are here. We are not an ‘either/or’ school. We don’t give up relationships and kindness for academic rigour, and we don’t give up academic rigour for relationships and kindness. We strive to have them both. This isn’t easy, but the good things never are. Our group of educators across the Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Schools are professionals who live our vision: an unshakeable commitment to encourage all children to set and achieve their own goals… to nurture and challenge in an atmosphere that inspires creativity and independent thinking in all areas of life and does not, overtly or subtly, use competition or punishment to motivate through the fear of failure.
Natalie Jensen
Interim Principal