Principal News

Twas the time of remote learning, and all through the room

The students were ready to communicate through Zoom

The backgrounds were selected, most with great care

In know that their teacher would soon be right there

The students were huddled all snug for their call

While parents hoped that she could help with it all

Some worried about Science, and some feared about Math

But the students were waiting then started to nap

When up on the screen arose such a clatter

We sprang to the device to see what was the matter

The microphone wouldn’t work, the connection was bad

The internet was down, and some blamed poor Dad

When what to my wandering eyes should appear

But our teacher, to calm our greatest fears

With a patient smile so lively with ease

We knew our home learning would now be a breeze

More rapid then eagles the understanding came

The students delighted as she called them by name

Now Billy, now Jane, now Coral and Sarah,

On Breezie, and Richie, and Ocean, and Tarah

To your learning, she cried, to your work, do it all

Then dash away, dash away, dash away all

As leaves before the Winter weather fly

The students started work, and they didn’t need to cry

And throughout all the houses, through the home learning they flew

Through English, and Writing, and Mathematics too

Then, with a wink of her eye and a twist of her head

The teacher told us we had nothing to dread

We spoke not a word, but checked our student’s work

Then she acknowledged the Zoom call and turned with a jerk

We thanked her so kindly as she waved us goodbye

And ended the Zoom as we let out a sigh

But we heard her exclaim as she went out of sight

You’re doing great with remote learning, it will all be alright

COVID Extension to 

restrictions update

The Victorian Government made announcements in relation to arrangements for schools in Victoria from and including Wednesday 21 July.  Please refer to the attachment for further information.

Winter fun

We are currently experiencing an arctic blast of weather.  If something interesting or fun happens at your house with rain, hail or a storm, make sure you take a photo and share with your teacher.  To start the ball rolling, find below a photo of me in my pool on Sunday (yes in the middle of Winter with the solar heating off) after a long run to help my legs recover.  I am saying it is freezing I promise. 

Keeping students active while they learn from home

When children participate in regular physical activity, it boosts their physical and mental health and improves academic performance.

Physical activity throughout the day also improves concentration, and the ability to retain information and solve problems.

There are many benefits to being active and getting your move on, but a lot of children aren’t moving enough, particularly while learning from home.

15 minutes 4 times a day is all it takes.

To help support your children to stay active while learning from home, families can access a range of free COVIDSafe ideas to stay active and games through Get Active Victoria.

Families should remember that whatever gets children moving, gets them active.

Communication Strategy

We are always working to improve our communication strategy.  Please take a moment to provide valuable feedback by clicking the bottom below

Foundation Enrolments for 2022