Science News
Students continue to work hard this term, engaging with science and building their brain.
The Year 12 2023 Chemistry class have completed their Module 5 on Equilibrium and have developed a very impressive assessment task while I was on sick leave.
Next year, we will welcome three new teachers into the science department. Mr Greg Webb has already joined us and we say a very warm welcome to him. We are looking forward to working with him in 2023 making great lessons and achieving superior learning outcomes.
We say farewell to Ms Davis and Mr Lawler who have given us many years of teaching and friendship. They will take up positions in Shepparton and Canberra and we wish them well with their new endeavours.
Teachers are gathering the final data for report writing and student application in class is an important aspect of learning. It is important that all students use their class time wisely as they come to the end of the Year. Most science classes are studying their last unit for 2022 and this forms a basis for their understanding of science units for next year. We will have a look at some literacy and numeracy so that students have the skills that they are expected to have for the next path in their journey of learning.
Best wishes
Esther Dumbleton