Year 10 History

Reconciliation in Australia

Year 10 History - Reconciliation in Australia


Sharon Sowter - member of the Yorta Yorta nation with her possum skin cloak
Sharon Sowter - member of the Yorta Yorta nation with her possum skin cloak


On Wednesday the 26th of October, the Year 10 Racism, Rights and Reconciliation students attended an in-school presentation on the history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Australians.


Sharon Sowter, an Aboriginal History lecturer at Victoria University and a member of the Yorta Yorta nation, came to Tarneit Senior College to discuss the impact of the Stolen Generations and the importance of acknowledging and preserving the culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Peoples. 





Sharon, a direct descendent of Aboriginal Civil Rights activist William Cooper, shared the impact Cooper's activism had in establishing the modern human rights enjoyed by all Australians today. She shared the personal stories of her family and coming to terms with the intergenerational trauma inflicted upon them during the Stolen Generations, where children were forcibly removed from their parents, and the importance of rediscovering their cultural heritage and customs. She also gave advice to the class on how to be strong allies for Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island community as the nation continues to pursue reconciliation and civil rights for the oldest continuing civilisation on Earth.


The class enjoyed a range of activities, from having the opportunity to ask Sharon a range of questions that they had about Aboriginal culture, the personal effects of the Stolen Generation on her family, and things they can do everyday to support the community. Students also got to handle a range of cultural items significant to the Yorta Yorta People, including possum skin cloaks and ceremonial boomerangs. Students got to learn how these items are used to share the personal stories, lessons and cultural history of the Yorta Yorta people.The Year 10 students and I would like to thank Sharon for coming in to share her stories and knowledge with us, and I would like to congratulate the students of Year 10 Racism, Rights and Reconciliation for being amazing and well-mannered hosts to our special guest. 



Ash Sevior

Teacher of Humanities and English


Photo: Sharon Sowter teaching students about the significance of the Possum Skin cloak.