Year 10 Art

Year 10 Art

Charcoal Self Portraits 


Students experimented with charcoal, an interesting drawing medium, to produce a variety of realistic self-portraits. Students captured their own images using photography then applied the grid method to support their understanding of facial proportion, lightsource and form. It was great to see their portraits exhibited and receive constructive feedback from their peers. Well done!

Artist - Keona
Artist - Akuir
Artist - Valery
Artist - Alya
Artist - Keona
Artist - Akuir
Artist - Valery
Artist - Alya


Year 10 Landscape Painting.


Year 10 contemporary art students have successfully developed their understanding of colour and depth in landscape painting. Students explored acrylic and watercolour painting techniques to depict subject matter and foreground, middleground and background in a creative way. Students presented their work in stunning classroom displays. Great work everyone!


Water Colours

Artist - Valery
Artist - Keona
Artist - Gurnar
Artist - Amrit
Artist - Alya
Artist - Valery
Artist - Keona
Artist - Gurnar
Artist - Amrit
Artist - Alya

Acrylic Paint

Artist - Fatima
Artist- Tya
Artist - Fatima
Artist- Tya


Charcoal celebrity portraits 


Students experimented with charcoal, an interesting drawing medium, to produce a variety of realistic self-portraits. Students selected their favorite celebrities then applied the grid method to support their understanding of facial proportion, lightsource and form. It was great to see the portraits exhibited and receive constructive feedback from their peers. Well done!


Artist - Tya of Beyonce
Artist - Faase of Ariana Grande
Artist - Desharn of Baby Keem
Artist - Ally of Amanda Syfried
Artist - Tya of Beyonce
Artist - Faase of Ariana Grande
Artist - Desharn of Baby Keem
Artist - Ally of Amanda Syfried


Years 10 Visual Communication and Design- Digital and Manual Planometric Drawings - Tinkercad


Students recently completed a variety of digital and manual drawings demonstrating designs for their 'Dream Bedroom' task.

Students applied their new understanding of Tinkercad which is an online collection of software tools that enables students to create 3D models. 


Students supported each other to understand the new program by sharing their learning experiences and became Peer Mentors for those who had been away or were finding some parts of the software a challenge. Shreya, a Year 12 VCD student, visited the class to encourage students to keep developing their digital and technical skills. Well done on the creative work and persistence in mastering a new skill!


Artist - Arek
Shreya and Arek
Artist - Sadiez
Artist - Abdul
Artist - Aditya
Artist - Aayan
Artist - Valery
Artist - Arek
Shreya and Arek
Artist - Sadiez
Artist - Abdul
Artist - Aditya
Artist - Aayan
Artist - Valery



Art Teacher