Year 11

Business Management

Year 11 Business Management Marketing project 2022 

After a difficult 2 years of remote learning, 2022 turned out to be a successful one. The Year 11 Business Management students were able to work collaboratively in a normal classroom setting without the fear of going into lockdowns.


This semester our future entrepreneurs of Year 11 Business Management participated in a Product Expo. In this, students worked on a business marketing project in which they came up with an innovative business idea and presented a marketing plan and strategy for it.


The students worked diligently in groups, with a lot of enthusiasm and creativity. Students gained knowledge and experience in planning, developing, refining, and presenting their business proposals. Competition was tough as there were a lot of innovative and creative ideas presented by the students from the 5 Business Management classes.  It was a great hands-on learning experience for them.


Congratulations to all the year 11 Business Management students who really worked hard to make this project successful.


The winners of the Business Management marketing project were:


For the most innovative business idea and the best marketing project: 


Jishnu Shaju & Wallace Tan


Jishnu Shaju and Wallace Tan
Jishnu Shaju and Wallace Tan

Our business’s name is QuantaTech and our product idea was the Holo Glove, a glove that’s capable of creating an interactive holographic projection. To put it simply, the glove creates a hologram that you can interact and control with from its centre. We chose this idea because we wanted to make something that would entertain people and serve as a product that’s completely innovative.



 In completing this project, it can be said it did take a bit of effort to reach all the necessary criteria for this project. From this activity, we understood the significance of marketing when it comes to establishing a business as well as factors such as market research, corporate social responsibility, product life cycle, price strategy, etc. Our advice for anyone intending to complete this project is to work hard and put some thought into your business, as an effective plan mixed with proper effort will make a world of difference when it comes to completing this project. Anyhow, good luck! (Jishnu & Wallace)



For the most innovative and unique business idea: 


Paige Thomson & Jaden Lawrence


Jaden Lawrence and Paige Thomson
Jaden Lawrence and Paige Thomson

Our business project was to run a food stall on school assessment days as canteen services are not available at that time of the day. We chose this idea because we are always frustrated with how there are no close by shops to buy food when we have an after-school assessment.







 We completed it quite easily because we were very passionate about the idea. We learnt that it would be hard to run the business but ultimately it would provide for the school community in a positive way. If you do this subject next year do something you are passionate about and never stop thinking out of the box. (Paige & Jaden)