What's  Happening 



Please note that the last day for lunch orders this year is Thursday 15 December.



As the last day is always extremely busy, if you think you can help out in the canteen, please contact Sue, as it would be much appreciated 

Susan.Hunt2@education.vic.gov.au or through the office or please sign up on VolunteerSignup. 

Click on the following web link (or copy it into your web browser if clicking doesn't work) to go to the signup sheet.


**On Friday 16 December the canteen will only be open at recess. **


Also, as we are nearing the end of the year, some of our usual products will become unavailable. 


It's not often that we see our oval looking like this (below). In fact, none of us can remember ever seeing it completely covered in hail, especially in November!

As we are all aware, the weather has been a source of puzzlement lately and after a massive storm a few weeks ago, some of our students were also intrigued and couldn't resist taking a closer look. 

SPECIAL OFFER- Christmas tart fundraiser!

We are running our Christmas tart fundraiser once again this year, in conjunction with Ashburton Bakers Delight. 

Order lemon or mince tarts for only $12 with money from every pack sold going to the school!

Order and pay via the QKR app. 

Orders close Wednesday 14 December with tarts delivered Friday 16 December 2022


Who is organising it? 

This event has been organised by a volunteer committee of local people who wanted to create a celebration for our community. We’ve been working on it for 5 months! 

We received a grant from Glen Eira City Council to help fund it this year. 

Who can come? 

It is for everyone in our community! 

What will be happening? 

There will be loads of activities from 

5:00 - 7:00pm - Buskers, face painting, balloon animals, henna hands, market stalls, a magician and great food and drink from our local traders! 

7:00 - 8:30 pm - Come and join in on the Community Carols! 

St Patricks Primary, Murrumbeena Primary and Hugesdale Primary are all performing as well as our Carols House Choir leading us in song! 

8:30pm - The Lighting of the Palm!