From the Principal


Last Thursday we held an art exhibition with over 1500 works of art on display and what an incredibly successful event it was. 

Families wandered around taking in the colourful displays while listening to the melodic sounds of students singing and playing instruments.  The exhibition truly brought the visual and performing arts harmoniously together, creating a positive and peaceful atmosphere. 

I’d like to acknowledge the dedication and passion for the Arts shown by Miss Marquis who inspires students to try new techniques with a range of materials and to bring their creative ideas to reality. Miss Marquis has only been teaching at our school in a full-time capacity since the middle of the year and has just completed her first year as a graduate teacher, which makes her first art exhibition even more remarkable. 

The fact that we had over 200 entries for the ‘Curious Creatures’ art competition and over 100 students performing is testament to the way our Arts teachers; Miss Marquis and Miss Nugent inspire our students. 

Thank you to all of our students for your creativity, and to those who performed, for your hours of practice over many of your lunch times. 

Thank you also to our parent community for your support especially given this busy time of the year. 



Last Saturday, our fundraising team ran a sausage sizzle, book and cake stall, as our school was a polling place for the state election. 

Our volunteers set up on Friday evening and were back at the school as early as 7:00am on the Saturday. There was a steady stream of people throughout the day and all seemed to want the traditional sausage in bread. In fact, word on the street is that other polling places had run out of sausages and MPS was the place to be! 

How grateful we are to have a team of parents who consistently offer to help. A huge shout out to Kimberley Payne and Jonathan Doncovio for their leadership and gathering together a band of volunteers to make the stalls so successful. Special thanks to: David Funston, Pip Holland, Fiona Boyer and their amazing team. 

Thank you also to the many parents who baked goodies to sell at the stall. 

VOLUNTEERS- Special Morning Tea

Without volunteers, our school would not be able to run the many programs and services we offer. It’s our turn to say thank you. 

We are holding a special morning tea to show our gratitude to our volunteers on Wednesday 7 December

If you have given your time to volunteer, then please let us know if you are able to attend by completing the RSVP form that was posted on Compass. 


Students have already been involved in one transition session to learn a little more about their next school year and will be involved in a further two more sessions. 

Letters will be sent home next week informing parents which class their child will be in, and NO changes will be made

As soon as the 2023 classes are announced, we will be calling for expressions of interest for parent representatives. 

Class Reps will be invited to an information session to find out more about the role and to meet other parent representatives on Tuesday 13 December (5:30 – 6:30pm) in the library. 


Every year we farewell some teachers and welcome the new. It’s interesting to note that this year there is a great deal of movement across education as teachers want to experience new schools and roles. 

This has meant that while we are saying goodbye to excellent educators, we are also gaining experienced staff.

We would like to thank the teachers who are leaving us for their contributions to our school and wish them all the very best as they pursue further opportunities and experiences. 

We say goodbye to Rick Damiano (year 6/ numeracy specialist), Ellie Martinez (year 5/ student excellence leader), Alicia Oliver-Cook (year 3/ level leader) and Charlotte Pile (year prep). 

We also farewell Marissa McKellar (year 1/ level leader) and Lucy Dunshea (prep/ level leader) who are taking twelve months leave to experience other school settings. 

Following an extensive recruitment drive, we are thrilled to welcome new teachers to our school. We look forward to the expertise they will share across our school. 


Leading Teacher- Maureen Delane(High Ability Excellence Leader & Pedagogy coach)

Learning Specialist- Andy McKibbon (Assessment & Numeracy)

Teaching Teams for 2023:

Prep- Maxine Shue (Leader), Chelsea Quirk, Kelly Goodwin, Paula Bain, Megan Mallen

Year 1- Anna Lancia (Leader), Brianna Newbond, Steph Protektor/Jess Maya, Elle Avery

Year 2- Laura Bainbridge (Leader), Candice Nassim, Elijah Roberts, Georgie Mountford

Year 3- Mitch Houston (Leader), Teagan Laskey, Ethan Mountney

Year 4-Josh Lowe (Leader), Elise French, Natasha Williams

Year 5- Phil Cook (Leader), Radhika Perera, Anthony van Berkel

Year 6- Julia Kantor (Leader), Joe Calderone, Jen Kepa

Phys. Ed.- Todd Pullar

Art- Jade Marquis

Performing Arts- Shelly Nugent

Japanese- Josie Briggs

Curriculum Support & Intervention:

Gabbi Menche, Mel Short, Kathryn Parker, Jeanette Baker, Michelle Tzialis 


Chellee Plumb