Junior School

Upcoming Activities
Thursday 27 October
selected Year 7 & Year 8 Maths students - Games Day excursion, Balwyn High School, departing from DSC at 8:10am
Tuesday 8 November
Learning Partnership seminar, Year 7 2023 families
Performance Centre, 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Tuesday 15 November
Pre-Orientation Day, selected Year 7 2023 students
Wednesday 23 November - Friday 25 November
Year 7 Camp Weekaway - all students
Tuesday 6 December
Junior School Presentation, 1pm - 2.30pm, Performance Centre
Year 7 Camp Announcement
The Junior School Team is excited to announce that we will be hosting the Year 7 camp from Wednesday 23 to Friday 25 November. All year 7 students attending camp will go at this time. We are excited for this large group to be together and extend their learning growth in this non-classroom environment. This years camp is the start of our Transitional Program for students moving from year 7 into year 8 in 2023.
If your child has forgotten some of the fun and learning they will have check out https://www.weekaway.com.au/ Students not going to camp will be at school participating in an alternate program.
Drew Hanna
Positive Climate and Community Leader
Maximising Growth until the end of the year
Dear Parents and Carers,
Junior School wants to support you in your encouragement of your child's learning growth. We know that often towards the end of the school year there are perceptions from students that attendance at school is not important as Common Assessment Tasks are complete.
Junior School will be supporting students to understand that their learning program and growth development goes all the way until the end of the year.
In the last few weeks of the year, students will be participating in a varied program that is being designed to maximise growth and success in year 8 and year 9 respectively. The program will focus on literacy and numeracy extension, personal and social capabilities as well as planning and goal setting. It is a program designed to give our students a head start in their learning during 2023.
Please support your child and the school in this important work.
Drew Hanna & Ty Dennis
Positive Climate and Community Leaders
Jessica Lindner Writing Competition
We invite all Year 7,8 & 9 students to submit a story in Jessica’s legacy. Jessica was a Doncaster Secondary College student who also went to St Gregory Primary School. Jessica sadly passed away this year after a battle with brain cancer. She loved writing and her pet rabbit. To remember Jessie, her brother Daniel is running a writing competition across Years 7,8 & 9. We encourage all students to participate, submitting entries that meet the following criteria:
- Humorous
- It can be fiction or non-fiction
- Care with grammar
- When reading your story, we should be able to sense the enjoyment you had when you were writing it
- Very descriptive
‘The Best Day in Your Life’
‘My Favourite Pet’
Winners of the competition, in each year level will receive a prize that supports cancer research.
Submit to Daniel’s school email at dllin4@schools.vic.edu.au
Junior X Football
Interested in trying AFL but in a more social format? Why not try Junior X Football!
Junior X is a program for 8-14 year old's to play some fun modified games of football in their own teams.
Junior X will be played on Wednesday nights from 4-6pm at Donvale Reserve.