Clyde North Campus News

 Screen time vs non screen time – Getting the balance right is not easy





The weather is finally starting to warm up and how it brightens our spirits. It has been wonderful to see students enjoying being outdoors fully utilising the campus grounds, including the oval, basketball courts, and downball walls. Equally encouraging is seeing students enjoying the new landscaping providing more shaded areas to sit and chat. The investment into the provision of outdoor spaces for students has long been known as a protective factor in supporting the physical and mental health and social development of young people. 

A study released this week found that since COVID, screen time for children aged 12-18 has increased fifty percent. The influence of non-educational screen time on brain and behavioural development is complex and still not well understood. However, there is accumulating evidence of potential negative associations particularly with children’s ability to focus their attention and regulate their behaviour and emotions. 

As adults we can send mixed messages to our young people when they perceive that we are glued to our mobile, laptop and other screens. We may well argue that we have good reason to be online, on screen, but nevertheless we need to be cautious in what message about screen time we are really modelling to our young people. 


Orientation Day  Year 7 2023

Fun, excitement, nervousness, and wonder sums up Orientation Day for our 2023 Year 7 students on Tuesday this week. And it did not involve any screen time!

Thursday 8th November saw the 2023 Year 7’s enter the gates of St. Peter’s College for the first time. They experienced their new tutor groups; games were played to build new friendships and tours were conducted so our students got to know their new school. We enjoyed getting to know our 2023 Year 7 students and are excited about the wonderful opportunities that await them here at St. Peter’s College.  

- Sebastian Romano       

The Amazing race takes off during 2023 Orientation Day.

There is fun in learning.

Welcome to St. Peter’s College

College Liturgy Captain inspires emerging leaders

Year 9 Camp

Over the past two weeks Year 9 students have had and I quote “the best time ever” on camp.  While last week’s group may not have had the best weather compared to this week’s group, the weather did not dampen their enthusiasm or energy to enjoy all the wonderful outdoor and water sports this camp has to offer. The timing of Year 9 Camp is deliberate  as students begin to ready themselves for Year 10, their maturity has developed to a level that they are fully able to enjoy all the camp has to offer, testing themselves to try new things expanding their ideas, skills and social interactions. My sincere thanks to all the staff who give up their days and nights to ensure our young people can experience the wonders of camp.

As we move into the final days of examinations for Years 10, 11 and 12, a big thank you to all the staff for their continued support of our students in preparation and completion of the exams. 

It has been quite bittersweet for our Year 12 students who on one hand are thrilled to be finishing exams but on the other hand sad with the realisation that this is the last time they will be at the school. Of course, they know we will always be very happy to welcome them back anytime for a visit. 


Wishing you a safe and productive week.


Julie Banda

Deputy Principal - Head of Clyde North Campus