Year 5 & 6

Suzie, Candice & Ashley

November has been a wonderful month of developing independence and personal growth for the 5/6 students as they undertake the transition process. The year five students have been focusing   on appropriate learning partners and potential leadership roles for 2023. The year six students have been preparing for their transition to secondary school.


Important Dates


Term 4

●        Friday 25th November – Whole School Cross Country

●        Friday 9th December – School Performance

●        Tuesday 13th December – Meet the Teacher Day

●        Wednesday 14th December – Year 6 Graduation Evening

●        Monday 19th December – Student Free Day

●        Tuesday 20th December – Student Free Day


Learning Together in 5/6

Reading and Writing are still closely linked through our research into memoirs. The students are beginning to follow the writing process and create their own memoirs. The year sis students are writing a memoir from an important time in their schooling and the year fives are writing a memoir from an important time in their life.


In Numeracy the students have been exploring worded problems to do with time. This could be 12 hour analogue, 12 hour digital, 24 hour analogue, or 24 hour digital. The problems they are working out can be count forward or count back and require them to use their problem-solving skills.


Inquiry continues to be linked to Reading and Writing. The students have been exploring how various cultures have influenced Australia’s way of life. We have looked closely at Edith Cowan, Burke and Wills, Harold Thomas, Olga Miller, Al Muderis and Penny Wong. The students work in small groups to research one of these people who influenced Australia and create a poster about them.


5/6 Camp to Portsea

The 5/6 camp to Portsea was an amazing experience for everyone who went. The students behaved beautifully and were wonderful representatives of Gilgai Plains. Everyone chipped in at mealtimes to make sure they ran smoothly, and the students tried really hard to win points from Mr Woolcock for the cleanest cabin.

We were all very proud that every student attempted all of the activities which allowed them to step outside their comfort zone while having full control of how far they go. The giant swing and flying fox were definitely a crowd pleaser with all students (and teachers) challenging their personal fears.



Everyone loved the hike and beach activities with some students saying they had very little previous experience at the beach. The weather was very kind to us providing blue skies, 25 to 30 degree, wind free days to enjoy sand play, beach cricket and cooling our feet in the shallow water. We’ve never seen so many smiles. We are thrilled that our students had such an amazing time.


Although preparing for sleep, our nights were great fun too. The students loved the disco and movie night. They were extremely tired each night after the activity-filled days we had but, once in their rooms, we could hear happy conversations and laughter reflecting on the day’s activities and fun they were having with their friends in their cabins.


The staff that attended the camp would like to thank each student for their beautiful behaviour and zest for engaging in the camp experience. 


Suzie Hicks, Candice Huntly and Ashley Hall