
Deanna, Lisa, Ashlea, Dee, Tash, Casey, Caitlin & Brianna

Time flies when you’re having fun! It is so hard to believe that we are halfway through the term already! We have been doing lots of literacy and numeracy assessments and are so proud of all that we have achieved this year. While half the cohort was very lucky with the weather and got to visit Bundoora Farm, the other half will be visiting next week. Foundation students are looking forward to being part of the school camping program later in the term with a breakfast at school as we celebrate completing our first year of learning and get ready to move into Year 1.


Important Dates

Term 4

  • Thursday 17th November - Bundoora Farm Excursion Group 2
  • Friday 25th November - Whole School Cross Country 
  • Friday 2nd December - Foundation Breakfast
  • Friday 9th December - School Picnic and Celebration Production
  • Friday 16th December - Last day of school for students
  • Monday 19th December - Student Free Day
  • Tuesday 20th December – Student Free Day

Upcoming Events


Foundation Breakfast

At the end of Term 4 we will be having a Foundation Breakfast. Students will be able to come to school in their pajamas for the day and we will be having breakfast at school! There will be no cost for families for this event. 



Homework bags, including homework books and readers, must be brought back to school every Friday. Homework will be reported on in the end of year reports. The expectation is that students should be reading four nights a week and the reading log completed each time your child reads at home. If the reading logs are not completed by parents, it is assumed that reading is not happening at home. If you have any questions about homework, please see your child’s classroom teacher. 



In Term 4 with the weather changing it is a requirement that all students wear their school hats when outside. Please pack a school hat in your child’s bag each day and check that it is still clearly labelled. Students who do not bring a hat to school will be required to play in our shaded areas. 



The weather is starting to warm up and hay fever season is upon us. We greatly appreciate any extra boxes of tissues you could send to school with your child. 


Naming of Personal Items 

Please ensure that all your child’s belongings are clearly labelled with their full name. If items are labelled, then they can be returned to your child or easily found if handed in to the front office.



Every day is full of very important learning opportunities for your child. It is very important that your child attends school everyday. We understand that sometimes your child may be unwell and need to stay home. If your child is absent due to medical or personal reasons, please contact the school office or upload your child’s absence onto Compass. 


Late passes

We understand that mornings can be very busy and sometimes students are not able to make it into the classroom before the 9am bell. If this is the case it is important that the school procedure is followed where you escort your child to the office to be signed in before going to the classroom. Rolls are marked promptly by 9am to make sure that learning can begin on time. 


Learning in Foundation



In Literacy we have been exploring the spelling rule silent final ‘e’. We have been using our knowledge of short and long vowel sounds to know that the silent final e makes the vowel say its name. We have also been learning about comprehension strategies in Reading through making connections, predicting and summarising. 

In Writing we are working towards our individual writing goals such as sounding out words, using finger spaces and including punctuation. We have been exploring non fiction text types and writing information reports during independent writing. We have been reading about Australian animals, such as kangaroos and koalas to write interesting facts about them.



In Numeracy we have been revising the topic of teen numbers. We completed ‘think boards’ to show our understanding of numbers and how we can represent a number in many different ways using pictures, tens frames and numbers lines. We are looking at the concept of time and exploring what activities in our lives take a long amount of time and which take a shorter amount of time. We have revised our understanding of 2D and 3D shapes by engaging in rotations where we draw, make and trace different shapes. 



We have been exploring a range of environments in our Inquiry unit this term ‘The World Around Us’. Foundation A, B, D and F were lucky to experience the excursion to Bundoora Park Children’s Farm, where they got to feed and pet lots of farm animals, learn about the importance of compost and what we use sheep wool for. We even got to go for a drive to see lots of Kangaroos and Emus out in the wild. Foundation C, E, G and H are excited to be visiting the farm next week.