From the Principal 

Week 6 Term 4 - 2023

Message from the Principal

Whilst we are busy living and learning in 2022, the leadership team at Gilgai Plains is very much focused on planning for 2023. It’s a busy time organising future classes, staff, teams, resources, furniture and budgets.


The current staffing situation for schools (and many other industries) across Victoria is challenging, however we have been very attentive and persistent in selecting the best teachers to take care of our precious children - and we believe we have done a great job! Over the coming weeks we will be introducing our wonderful new staff on our Facebook page, so keep an eye out.


Why do we teach and learn about our values at GPPS?

Did you know that the human brain develops from back to front. This means that the prefrontal cortex of the brain develops last. This part of the brain manages emotional control, reasoning, logic, problem solving, empathy and impulse control. 

Therefore, the child’s prefrontal cortex is the last part of the brain to develop, which can make meeting some adult expectations very challenging. Infact, the human prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until the age of 25 (or more in some cases!) And half of the calories consumed by children go towards fueling brain growth.


Our values of Respect, Kindness, Zest and Learning Together are all linked to the ability to understand and share the feelings of ourselves and others - empathy. Due to limited life experiences and an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex, a child’s brain is often focused on “me”, and it can take a number of years to share this focus with others. By focusing on our values and talking about our feelings, we can help our children develop empathy. Our children will make mistakes and as a community, we will exercise patience and continue to support them to make the right choices.


Our First Community Market

The first Kalkallo Community Market was held at our school on the last Saturday of October. The weather was very kind on the day and we saw hundreds of people from our community enjoy this special event. We ran a sausage sizzle for our school and raised just over $1000, which will go towards our planned new playground. Whilst staff will run this for the next couple of markets, we would love to invite our parents, grandparents and uncles and aunties to come along and help in the future. It’s a fun day and all efforts will support our school.


Meet the Teacher

We are busy building our grades for next year. This is a complex process that takes into account student’s social, emotional and learning needs as we strive to ensure the development of balanced classes.


Our students will have the opportunity to meet their new classmates and teacher for 2023 on Tuesday 13th December. Some of our new staff may not be available on the day due to commitments at their present school, if this is the case, students will be given a photo and a letter from their teacher. There will be another opportunity for you and your child to meet your teacher at our interviews at the beginning of next year.


Cuppa and Chat

We invite you to another of our Cuppa and Chat sessions next Thursday 17th November at 2.30pm in our library. You will hear about what is happening at Gilgai Plains and have the opportunity to ask questions and share your ideas. Toddlers are welcome. 


Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.


Anthea Jamieson
