Music Notes

Nicole Bull, Academic Dean of Performing Arts
Oliver! - last chance to book tickets
Come and enjoy an evening of fun and entertainment and support all our students and staff who have put an enormous amount of time and effort into this fantastic production. Last chance to book your tickets! Book here.
Production dates: Friday 19 May, Saturday 20 May
Time: 7.30 – 9.45pm
Venue: Dalton Hall, Kilvington Grammar School
Cost: Adult $40.00, Concession $25.00, Family $100.00
VCE Music Performance Recital
Joe Ashmore, Year 10
On Wednesday 10 May, we held the VCE Music Recital for Units 1 and 3 in front of an audience of teachers and parents. Two students each from Unit 1 and Unit 3 performed a variety of instruments and styles of music which ranged from contemporary and jazz to classical pieces.
It was a delight to watch our extremely talented students perform after all their hard work this term. Congratulations to students Joe Ashmore, Edgar Chen, Renae Bekas and Freya Watters and a big thank you to our Music teacher, Mrs Nicole Bull, and accompanists Mrs Carmel Slater, Mrs Kay Cai and Mr Jake Amy.
The Units 1 and 3 VCE Performance students would also like to thank specialist teachers Stephen Coutts, Darko Kolosov and Annette McMaster for their advice and support in preparation for this recital performance.
Annual String Concert - May 24
Our annual String Concert for students will be presented on Wednesday May 24. The focus of our String Concert is to give students an opportunity to perform in large and small ensembles. Groups involved include Arioso Trio, Intermezzo Strings, Junior Strings, Chamber Strings, Kilvington Orchestra and selected soloists. No reserved seating.
Centenary Concert – August 10
The School is celebrating 100 years this year! To mark this momentous milestone, we will be holding a special Centenary Concert at the prestigious Hamer Hall in Southbank on August 10 at 7.30pm. We would love for you to celebrate with us, either as an audience member, or as a participant in the many opportunities available on stage as a performer.
Kilvonians are also welcome to participate in any of the present Kilvonian performance groups. I am so looking forward to sharing this evening with the entire Kilvington community. Please let me know if you are interested in joining us. Email Ms Nicole Bull at
AMEB exam session and enrolment dates 2023
Session | Exam Date | Entries close |
4th Metropolitan Practical
| 7 August – 2 September | 9 June
5th Metropolitan Practical | 2 October – 12 November | 21 July |
1st Regional Practical | 24 July – 5 August | 19 May |
2nd Regional Practical | 13 November – 8 December | 11 August |
Diary dates - Term 2
| Time | Venue | Event |
19 and 20 May | 7.30 – 10.00pm | Dalton Hall | Oliver!
Wednesday May 24 | 7.00 – 8.30pm | Dalton Hall | String Concert
Tuesday June 13 | 11.30am – 12.00pm | Dalton Hall | Years 2/3 String Concert
Wednesday June 14 | 7.00 – 8.30pm | Dalton Hall | Winter Concert
Thursday June 15 | 11.30am –12.00pm | Dalton Hall | Year 5 Band Program Concert |