Middle Years 

Middle Years Orientation Days

Middle Years students started their new school year with Orientation Days.


Year 7s hit the ground running with their very first Endeavour Way Day. They spent the day learning all about how to live out our values of Love, Courage, Forgiveness and Hope. Old friendships were rekindled, new ones formed, and students met with their Year 11 buddies. By lunchtime, the newest members of the community were zooming around the campus with confidence. The Year 7 staff team were impressed by their courage, their support of one another, and their willingness to participate.


Our Year 8s were delighted not to be in Year 7 anymore and arrived at school with a lot of positive energy. After meeting in their new classroom space and meeting the Year 8 staff team, they jumped straight into team building activities and prepared for The Amazing Race. Mawson Lakes didn’t know what had hit it when they headed out onto the streets tethered by team ropes and blasting out team chants. A lot of fun was had by all and the Year 8s did a good job of widening their friendship circles.


A 7am start may have been a shock to the system for many of our Year 9s, who started their 2023 with a hike up Anstey Hill. The Voyage program is special to Endeavour and each Voyage class and their teacher spent a day bonding as a ‘tribe’ while undertaking physical challenges and setting up their goals for 2023. They finished the day by sealing their hopes for 2023 in an envelope and locking them in the Voyage vault which will be unlocked at the final ceremony in December. It may have been an uphill climb, but they earned an early finish for their efforts.


Louisa Mulligan

Middle Years Director


Year 7 Photo Reel

Year 8 Photo Reel

Year 9 Photo Reel