
Amongst the things we as people have in common, is that we’ve all done wrong things in our lives. 

Some of those things are simple mistakes; they happen, we move on. 

Other things are bigger, but they don’t bother us. Perhaps like eating too much chocolate. Not a big deal, but we know we shouldn’t have. 

But then there are the things we know we will get in trouble for, and finally, there are the things that we perhaps desperately don’t want others to know about. 


When David writes what we call Psalm 51, he had done something very, very wrong. Something horrible, and life altering, and he didn’t want anyone to know. 

So, he tried to stop anyone else finding out, and in his goal to cover his guilt, he did something far worse. 

But in the end, he was caught out. 

In the end, he has to come clean. Not because he chose to, but because he is discovered.  

His choices did immense harm to people that God loved. Because David knew that he harmed people God loved, he knew that he had also harmed God.  


And so, David needed forgiveness, from both people, and from God. In seeking forgiveness, he looked for a number of things that would make things better for him: 

  1. Mercy - he was asking to be better treated than he deserved
  2. Compassion - that limited the damage of what he had done wrong
  3. A changed heart - to be the kind of person who does the right thing, not the wrong thing 
  4. A steadfast spirit - this is a way of talking about ongoing determination, consistency, in doing the right thing 
  5. The presence of God - that what he had done wrong wasn’t going to permanently remove the relationship he had with God 
  6. Joy - the joy of things being better 
  7. Learning that results in teaching others - not only would he change for the better, but that he could help others change for the better as well. 

All of us here at Endeavour are learning. 

We aren’t just learning about Maths, English, Japanese, German, Digital Techologies, preparing to do a trade certificate or work towards University. 

We’re also learning how to live and be in this world. 

How to live and be when things go well. 

How to live and be when things go wrong. 

And all of us have times not just when things go wrong, but when we go wrong

What we need when things go wrong, and when we go wrong, is restoration. 

It is in this area of restoration that we as a College want for ourselves, and for all of you, this year. 


It is God who shows us how restoration works, and how restoration happens. 

We look forward to exploring God's restoring work together with you this year.


Chris Mann

College Pastor

College Prayer

Heavenly Father,


Thank you that through your Son Jesus, I can talk to you at any time or any place.


I offer you my life - my body, my soul and everything you've given me.


Be close to me today and keep me safe.

In my heart, I hand over to you those whom I love; my family members, friends, fellow students, and staff of the College. I also hand over to you those whom I find hard to love, or who hurt me. Bless them and reveal yourself to them.


Guide me in all that I do so that I may walk in love. Give me the courage to shine your light in the world. Remind me of your grace so that I share your forgiveness with others. And fill me with your Holy Spirit, that I may always have hope in you.


In Jesus' name I pray, 
